CDFTOOLS - diagnostics in Fortran 90 for NEMO model outputs


CDFTOOLS is a diagnostic package written in fortran 90 for the analysis of NEMO model output, initialized in the frame of the DRAKKAR project ( It is now available on GitHub under the CeCILL license (

NEMO web site :


CDFTOOLS is a collection of fortran program. Each program belonging to this collection is designed to perform some specific actions on NEMO output files, and generally provides another netcdf file as output. Output files follow the same CDF format as NEMO file, thus allowing for the building of a secondary data base (assuming that the primary data base is just the raw model output).

This documentation is automatically produced by the concatenation of the USAGE messages produced by each particular program when invoked without any argument. (Standard behaviour of all cdftools). In the documentation, we use a rather classical formalism, where mandatory arguments are just indicated on the command line and options are indicated between squared brackets [..].

Each program name starts with the 3 letters 'cdf' followed by a word related to the action performed by the tools. Example: cdfw is used to compute the vertical velocity using the horizontal velocity field represented by its two components and

Better than a long speech, the following paragraphs describes each of the existing cdftools.



  usage : cdf16bit 32BIT-file [ -check ] [ -verbose]
      PURPOSE :
        Convert input 32 bit precision file into 16 bit
        precision file using add_offset and scale_factor
        32BIT-file : input 32 bit file to be converted
      OPTIONS :
        [ -check ]   : control than the scale factors are adequate
        [ -verbose ] : give information level by level.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : same names than in input file


  usage : cdf2levitusgrid2d IN-file OUT-file  VAR-name2D
      PURPOSE :
        remaps (bin) 2D high resolution (finer than 1x1 deg) 
        fields on Levitus 2D 1x1 deg grid                    
        (does not work for vector fields)  
        It assumes that Levitus grid SW grid cell center 
        is (0.5W,89.5S) 
        IN-file  : netcdf input file 
        OUT-file : netcdf output file 
        VAR-name2D : input variable name for interpolation 
      OPTIONS :
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : name given as second argument
          variables : 2d_var_name


  usage : cdf2levitusgrid3d -f IN-file -o OUT-file  -v VAR-name3D [-360]
         [-r resolution] 
      PURPOSE :
        remaps (bin) 3D high resolution (finer than 1x1 deg) 
        fields on a regular grid. (vertical grid as input grid)  
        (does not work for vector fields)  
        Resolution can be given as argument, default is   0.3333333      deg.
        -f IN-file  : netcdf input file 
        -o OUT-file : netcdf output file 
        -v VAR-name2D : input variable name for interpolation 
      OPTIONS :
        -360 : outfile is defined from 0 to 360 deg
               Default is from -180 to 180 
        -r  : resolution.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : name given as second argument
          variables : 3d_var_name


  usage : cdf2matlab IN-file IN-var level 
      PURPOSE :
        Convert global nemo input file (ORCA configurations) into
        a file with monotonically increasing longitudes.
        IN-file : input model file.
        IN-var  : netcdf variable name to process.
        level   : level to process.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : same name than in input file.


  usage :  cdf_xtrac_brokenline T-file U-file V-file [ice-file] ....
     [-f section_filei,sec_file2, ... ] [-verbose] [-ssh ] [-mld] [-ice]
      PURPOSE :
         This tool extracts model variables from model files for a geographical
       broken line, similar to an oceanographic campaign where an oceanic 
       section is formed by one or more legs.
         The broken line is specified by the position of ending points of each
       leg, given in an ASCII file. OVIDE section is taken as default, when no
       section file is provided.
         This tool provides a netcdf file similar to a model file, but with a 
       degenerated y dimension (1). In order to be able to use standard CDFTOOLS
       relevant metric variables are saved into the output file, such as pseudo
       e1v and e3v_ps and vmask. Therefore the output file can be considered as
       a mesh_hgr, mesh_zgr and mask file for any 'meridional' computation.
         This tools works with temperatures, salinities and normal velocities.
       The broken line is approximated in the model, by a succession of segments
       joining F-points. The velocity is taken as either U or V depending on the
       orientation of the segment, temperatures and salinities are interpolated
       on the velocity points. When progressing along the broken line, velocity
       is positive when heading to the right of the progression.
         The barotropic transport across the broken line is computed, using the
       same sign convention. On a closed broken line, the barotropic transport
       should be very small.
       T-file   :  model gridT file 
       U-file   :  model gridU file 
       V-file   :  model gridV file 
       ice-file :  model ice file 
      OPTIONS :
       -f section_file1,section_file2,... : provide a comma separated list of
               files for section definition. Section_file is an ascii file as 
              * line #1 : name of the section (e.g. ovide). 
                   Will be used for naming the output file.
              * line #2 : number of points defining the broken line.
              * line #3-end : a pair of Longitude latitude values defining
                    the points. If not supplied, use hard-coded information
                    for OVIDE section. A comment can be added at the end of
                    of the lines, using a # as separator
       -verbose : increase verbosity  
       -ssh     : also save ssh along the broken line.
       -mld     : also save mld along the broken line.
       -ice     : also save ice properties along the broken line.
      REQUIRED FILES : and must be in the current directory 
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : temperature, salinity, normal velocity, pseudo V metrics,
                      mask, barotropic transport, bathymetry of velocity points.
        ASCII file : section_name_section.dat usefull for cdftransport 
      SEE ALSO :
         cdftransport, cdfmoc, cdfmocsig. This tool replaces cdfovide.


  usage : cdfbathy/cdfvar -f IN-file [options]
      PURPOSE :
        Allow manual modification of the input file. Very convenient
        for bathymetric files, can also be used with any model file
        Keep a log.f90 file of the modifications for automatic reprocessing
        IN-file : original input file. The program works on a copy of the
                 original file (default)
      OPTIONS :
        -file (or -f )       : name of input file 
        -var  (or -v )       : name of cdf variable [default: Bathymetry]
        -lev  (or -l )       : level to work with 
        -time (or -t )       : time to work with 
        -scale  s            : use s as a scale factor (divide when read the file)
        -zoom (or -z )       : sub area of the bathy file to work with (imin imax jmin jmax)
        -fillzone (or -fz )  : sub area will be filled with 0 up to the first coast line 
        -fillpool (or -fp ) [ icrit ] : the whole file is check and fill all the pool smaller than (icrit) cell by 0
        -raz_zone (or -raz ) : sub area will be filled with 0 up 
        -raz_below depmin    : any depth less than depmin in subarea will be replaced by 0 
           (or -rb depmin )  
        -set_below depmin    : any depth less than depmin in subarea will be replaced by depmin 
           (or -sb depmin ) 
        -fullstep depmin     : sub area will be reshaped as full-step, below depmin
           (or -fs depmin )    requires the presence of the file zgr_bat.txt (from ocean.output, eg )
        -dumpzone (or -d )   : sub area will be output to an ascii file, which can be used by -replace
                               after manual editing 
        -nicedumpzone        : sub area will be output to an ascii file (nice output)
                 (or -nd )
        -replace (or -r )    : sub area defined by the file will replace the original bathy
        -append (or -a )     : fortran log file (log.f90) will be append with actual modif
                               Standard behaviour is to overwrite/create log file
        -overwrite (or -o )  : input bathy file will be used as output.
                               Standard behaviour is to use a work copy of the original file
                               (indexed from 01 to 99 if necessary ) 
        -log logfile         : log file for change (default is log.f90) 
      OUTPUT : 
           netcdf file : according to used options, if the original file is to be modified
                  a sequence number is added at the end of the input file name, to keep
             variables : same as input file


  usage : cdfbci UVWT-file
      PURPOSE :
        Compute elements for analysing the baroclinic instability
        UVWT-file : input file is produced by cdfmoyuvwt, and the mean
               must be computed on a long-enough period for the 
               statistics to be meaningful. Points are on T grid.
        Need file
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : 5 output variables
              dTdx : zonal derivative of Tbar on T point (*1000)
              dTdy : meridional derivative of Tbar on T point (*1000)
              uT   : anomaly of u times anomaly of T on T point
              vT   : anomaly of v times anomaly of T on T point
              bci  : transfert of energy for the baroclinic instability (*1000)
      SEE ALSO :


  usage : cdfbn2  T-file [W] [-full]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the Brunt-Vaissala frequency (N2) according to
        temperature and salinity given in the input file.
        T-file : netcdf input gridT file for temperature and salinity.
      OPTIONS :
        [ W ] : keep N2 at W points. Default is to interpolate N2
              at T point on the vertical.
        [ -full ] : indicate a full step configuration instead of
                 the default partial steps.
      REQUIRED FILES : is needed for this program.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : vobn2


  usage : cdfbotpressure T-file [-full] [-ssh] [-ssh2 ] [-xtra ] 
      PURPOSE :
           Compute the vertical bottom pressure (pa) from in situ density
          T-file : gridT file holding either Temperature and  salinity 
      OPTIONS :
         -full : for full step computation 
         -ssh  : Also take SSH into account in the computation
                 In this case, use rau0=   1035.000      kg/m3 for 
                 surface density (as in NEMO)
                 If you want to use 2d surface density from 
                 the model, use option -ssh2
         -ssh2 : as option -ssh but surface density is taken from 
                 the model instead of a constant
         -xtra :  Using this option, the output file also contains the ssh,
                 and the pressure contribution of ssh to bottom pressure. 
                 Require either -ssh or -ssh2 option. Botpressure is still
                 the total pressure, including ssh effect.
      REQUIRED FILES : and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables :  sobotpres
      SEE ALSO :


  usage : cdfbottom  IN-file [ T | U | V | F]
      PURPOSE :
        Create a 2D file with bottom most values for all the variables
        which are in the input 3D file.
        IN-file : input netcdf 3D file.
      OPTIONS :
        [ T | U | V | F] : specify the type of grid point on the C-grid
             if not given, assume that land points are values with 0.
      REQUIRED FILES : file is required if the grid point is specified
                   or if the land value is not 0.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables :  same names than input file, long_name attribute is
                prefixed by Bottom 


  usage : cdfbottomsig  T-file [zref]
      PURPOSE :
        Create a 2D file with bottom density. In case a depth reference
        is given, the density is refered to this depth. By default sigma-0
        is used. Bottom most point is determined from the last non zero 
        salinity point in the water column.
        T-file : input file with temperature and salinity 
      OPTIONS :
        [zref] : depth reference for potential density
               keyword 'ntr' can also be specified, which indicates that we
               will use neutral density
              If not given assume sigma-0
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : sobotsig0 or sobotsigi ( kg/m3 - 1000 )
                      or sobotsigntr (kg/m3)


  usage : cdfbti UVWT-file
      PURPOSE :
        Compute  the terms in the barotropic energy tranfert equation.
        The transfert of energy for the barotropic instability is 
        bti= -[(u'bar)^2*dubar/dx ...
              +(v'bar)^2*dvbar/dy ...
              +(u'v'*(dubar/dy +dvbar/dx))]
        UVWT-file : netcdf file produced by cdfmoyuvwt
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : 
                dudx : zonal derivate of ubar on T point
                dvdx : zonal derivate of vbar on T point
                dudy : meridional derivate of ubar on T point
                dvdy : meridional derivate of vbar on T point
                anousqrt : mean of (u-ubar)^2 on T point
                anovsqrt : mean of (v-vbar)^2 on T point
                anouv : mean of (u-ubar)*(v-vbar) on T point
                bti  : transfert of energy for the barotropic instability.
      SEE ALSO :
       cdfmoyuvwt, cdfbci, cdfnrjcomp, cdfkempemekeepe


  usage : cdfbuoyflx  -t T-file [-r RNF-file] [-f FLX-file ] [-sss SSS-name]
      ... [-sst SST-name] [-nc4] [-o output_file]  [-short ]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute (or read) the heat and water fluxes components.
        Compute (or read) the net heat and water fluxes.
        Compute the buoyancy heat and water fluxes components.
        Compute the net buoyancy fluxes.
        Save sss and sst. 
        -t T-file   : netcdf file with temperature and salinity 
      OPTIONS :
        [ -r RNF-file ] : Specify a run-off file if runoff not in T-file 
                          nor in FLX-file
        [ -f FLX-file ] : Use this option if fluxes are not saved in gridT files
        [ -sss SSS-name ] : Use this option if SSS variable name in T-file 
                           differ from vosaline
        [ -sst SST-name ] : Use this option if SST variable name in T-file 
                           differ from votemper
        [ -nc4 ] Use netcdf4 output with chunking and deflation level 1
                This option is effective only if cdftools are compiled with
                a netcdf library supporting chunking and deflation.
        [ -o output_file ] Default is
        [ -short ] With this option only save the buoyancy flux without 
                   all the components of the flux.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : 25 variables (2D) or 1 variable in case of -short option
      SEE ALSO :


  usage :  cdfcensus T-file nlog [-zoom imin imax jmin jmax] ...
                 ... [-klim kmin kmax]  [-full] [-bimg] ... 
                 ... [-srange smin smax ds ] ...
                 ... [-trange tmin tmax dt ] 
      PURPOSE :
         Compute the volumetric water mass census: the ocean is divided in
         T,S bins; the program gives the volume of water for each bin.
         A sub-area can be specified, both horizontaly and vertically.
         Temperature and salinity ranges can be also adapted, as well as the
         width of the bins. Default values are provided. In order to attenuate
         the huge maximum values, a log10 operator can be applied many times,
         the number of filter passes being set on the command line.
        T-file  : netcdf file name for temperature and salinity
        nlog    : number of log10 filter to perform. Can be 0.
      OPTIONS :
        [-zoom imin imax jmin jmax] : define a model sub-area, in model 
        [-klim ik1 ik2            ] : set limits on the vertical.
        [-srange smin smax ds     ] : define the size of the salinity bin
                         defaut is : 25.0 40.0  0.020
        [-trange tmin tmax dt     ] : define the size of the temperatude bin
                         defaut is : -2.0 38.0  0.050
        [-full                    ] : use for full step computation
        [-bimg                    ] : output on bimg files (to be deprecated).
      REQUIRED FILES :  and
      OUTPUT : 
        - netcdf file :
            variables : volcensus  (10^15 m3 )
                        sigma0  (kg/m3 -1000 )
                        sigma2  (kg/m3 -1000 )
                        sigma3  (kg/m3 -1000 )
        - bimg file   : According to options.


  usage : cdfchgrid -f IN-file -r REF-file -var IN-var [-nc4] [-o OUT-file] [-d]
      PURPOSE :
        Build a new file on a refined grid, from a coarser grid, assuming that
        the two grids are embedded, with common points (hence an odd scaling 
        factor). Grid characteristics are hard wired in the code. Support for
        ORCA025 --> ORCA12, eORCA025 --> eORCA12 is actually provided. Hooks 
        are ready in the code for adding new conversion.
        No interpolation, only copying value of a coarse grid cell, onto 
        scale x scale cells of the output grid (scale is the refinement factor)
        Caution for mask coherence !
        This tool is only adapted for drowned field
        -f IN-file  : input Coarser-grid file
        -r REF-file : Reference file used for identification of the output grid
                should be of same geometry than the output file.
        -var IN-var : input coarser-grid variable to be converted
      OPTIONS :
        -nc4        : use netcdf4 chunking and deflation for the output file
        -o OUT-file : specify output file name instead of
        -d          : Display some debugging information 
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variable : same name as in input file


  usage : cdfclip -f IN-file [-o OUT-file] -zoom imin imax jmin jmax [kmin kmax]
      PURPOSE :
        Clip the input file according to the indices given in the
        zoom statement. If no vertical zoomed area is indicated, 
        the whole water column is considered.  This program is able
        to extract data for a region crossing the E-W periodic boundary
        of a global configuration. It does so if imax < imin.
        -f IN-file : specify the input file to be clipped
        -zoom imin imax jmin jmax : specify the domain to be extracted.
            If imin=imax, or jmin = jmax assume a vertical section either 
            meridional or zonal.
      OPTIONS :
        [-o OUT-file ] : use OUT-file instead of for output file
                If used, -o option must be used before -zoom argument 
        [kmin kmax ] : specify vertical limits for the zoom, in order to reduce
                the extracted area to some levels. Default is to take the whole
                water column.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : This can be changed using -o option
          variables : same as input variables.


  usage : cmp_var -f1 IN-file1 -f2 IN-file2 -var IN-var ...
      ... [-lev kmin kmax ] [-zoom imin imax jmin jmax] ...
      PURPOSE :
         Find where IN-var is different between IN-file1 and IN-file2 
         Options allow to restrict the finding to a sub area in space
        -f1 IN-file1 : input file1
        -f2 IN-file2 : input file2
        -var IN-var  : input variable
      OPTIONS :
        [-lev kmin kmax ] : restrict to level between kmin and kmax. 
        [-zoom imin imax jmin jmax] : restrict to sub area specified
                                      by the given limits. 
      OUTPUT : 
        output is done on standard output.


  usage :  cdfcofdis [-jperio jperio ] [-surf]
      PURPOSE :
         Compute the distance to the coast and create a file with the Tcoast
         variable, indicating the distance to the coast. This computation is don
         for every model level, unless -surf option is used.
        HGR-file : name of the mesh_hgr file 
        MSK-file : name of the mask file 
        T-file   : netcdf file at T point.
      OPTIONS :
        [ -jperio jperio ] : define the NEMO jperio variable for north fold 
            condition. Default is  4.
        [ -surf ] : only compute  distance at the surface.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : dist.coast
          variables : Tcoast (m)


  usage : cdfcoloc  -w root_weight -t gridT -trc TRC_file ...
           ...  -u gridU -v gridV [-l field list ] [-h]
        -w root_weight  : specify the root name of the weight files
                          _T.bin, _U.bin, or _V.bin will be appended 
                          to name if necessary.
        -t gridT file   : name of gridT model file
        -trc TRC file   : name of gridT model file
        -d  diag file   : name of specific diagnostic file 
        -u gridU file   : name of gridU model file
        -v gridV file   : name of gridV model file
        -b bathy file   : name of etopo like bathymetric file
        -l field list   : list of fields to be colocated, separated by ','
                          Default list is :U,V,Sx,Sy,H
        -h              : Give the details of available field to colocate.
      Return a column ascii file id dep fields() is required in local directory, are also required for slope computation


  usage : cdfconvert CLIPPER_tag CLIPPER_Confcase
      PURPOSE :
        Convert dimg files (CLIPPER like) to netcdf (DRAKKAR like).
        CLIPPER_tag      : a string such as y2000m01d15 for time identification.
        CLIPPER_confcase : CONFIG-CASE of the files to be converted (eg ATL6-V6)
      REQUIRED FILES : and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : gridT, gridU, gridV files
          variables : same as in standard NEMO output
      SEE ALSO :
        cdfflxconv, cdfsstconv, cdfstrconv


  usage : cdfcsp list_of_files 
      PURPOSE :
        Replace missing_values by 0 and update attribute
        The list of cdf file to process, all variables will be processed
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : same as input file (modified)
          variables : same as input file


  usage : cdfcurl -u U-file U-var -v V-file V-var -l levlist [-T] [-8]...
            ... [-surf] [-overf] [-nc4] [-o OUT-file ]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the curl of a vector field, at a specified level.
        If level is specified as 0, assume that the input files are
        forcing files, presumably on A-grid. In this latter case, the
        vector field is interpolated on the C-grid. In any case, the
        curl is computed on the F-point (unless -T option is used).
        -u U-file U-var : file and variable name for zonal component
        -v V-file V-var : file and variable name for meridional component
        -l levlist    : levels to be processed. If set to 0, assume forcing file
                 in input. Example of recognized syntax :
                   -l "1,10,30"  or -l "1-20" or even -l "1-3,10-20,30-"
                   -l  1 . Note that -l "3-" set a levlist from 3 to the bottom
      OPTIONS :
        -T : compute curl at T point instead of default F-point
        -8 : save in double precision instead of standard simple precision.
        -surf : work with single level C-grid (not forcing)
        -overf : store the ratio curl/f where f is the coriolis parameter
        -nc4 : use netcdf4 output with chunking and deflation 1
        -o OUT-file : specify output file name instead of
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : socurl or socurlt (if -T option), units : s^-1
             or socurloverf, no units (if -overf option)


  usage : cdfdegradt IN-Tfile IN-var ri rj [i0 j0]
        ... [-full]
      PURPOSE :
        Degrad the horizontal resolution of NEMO T-grid ouput,       
        for each z-level and time step, with a ratio of ri along     
        x direction and rj along y direction. If specified, the input
        grid is considered starting from the indices i0 and j0.      
        IN-Tfile  : netcdf T-file.
        IN-var    : name of netcdf variable to work with
        ri        : degradation ratio for x-direction   
        rj        : degradation ratio for y-direction   
      OPTIONS : 
        [i0 j0] : spatial indices from where starting the procedure   
                  of degradation.                                    
        [-full] : flag for full steps grid, instead of default partial
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : 
        netcdf file :


  usage : cdfdegradu IN-Ufile IN-var ri rj [i0 j0]
        ... [-full]
      PURPOSE :
        Degrad the horizontal resolution of NEMO U-grid ouput,       
        for each z-level and time step, with a ratio of ri along     
        x direction and rj along y direction. If specified, the input
        grid is considered starting from the indices i0 and j0.      
        IN-Ufile  : netcdf U-file.
        IN-var    : name of netcdf variable to work with
        ri        : degradation ratio for x-direction   
        rj        : degradation ratio for y-direction   
      OPTIONS : 
        [i0 j0] : spatial indices from where starting the procedure   
                  of degradation.                                    
        [-full] : flag for full steps grid, instead of default partial
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : 
        netcdf file :


  usage : cdfdegradv IN-Vfile IN-var ri rj [i0 j0]
        ... [-full]
      PURPOSE :
        Degrad the horizontal resolution of NEMO V-grid ouput,       
        for each z-level and time step, with a ratio of ri along     
        x direction and rj along y direction. If specified, the input
        grid is considered starting from the indices i0 and j0.      
        IN-Vfile  : netcdf V-file.
        IN-var    : name of netcdf variable to work with
        ri        : degradation ratio for x-direction   
        rj        : degradation ratio for y-direction   
      OPTIONS : 
        [i0 j0] : spatial indices from where starting the procedure   
                  of degradation.                                    
        [-full] : flag for full steps grid, instead of default partial
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : 
        netcdf file :


  usage : cdfdegradw IN-Wfile IN-var ri rj [i0 j0]
        ... [-full]
      PURPOSE :
        Degrad the horizontal resolution of NEMO W-grid ouput,       
        for each z-level and time step, with a ratio of ri along     
        x direction and rj along y direction. If specified, the input
        grid is considered starting from the indices i0 and j0.      
        IN-Wfile  : netcdf W-file.
        IN-var    : name of netcdf variable to work with
        ri        : degradation ratio for x-direction   
        rj        : degradation ratio for y-direction   
      OPTIONS : 
        [i0 j0] : spatial indices from where starting the procedure   
                  of degradation.                                    
        [-full] : flag for full steps grid, instead of default partial
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : 
        netcdf file :


  usage : cdfdifmask  mask1 mask2
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the difference between 2 mask files.
        mask1, mask2 : model files to be compared.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
        variables : tmask, umask, vmask, fmask


  usage : cdfdiv -u U-file U-var -v V-file V-var -l levlist  [-8]...
            ... [-surf] [-overf] [-full] [-o OUT-file ]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the divergence of the flow from the U and V velocity components
        -u U-file U-var : file and variable name for zonal component
        -v V-file V-var : file and variable name for meridional component
        -l levlist    : levels to be processed. If set to 0, assume forcing file
                 in input. Example of recognized syntax :
                   -l "1,10,30"  or -l "1-20" or even -l "1-3,10-20,30-"
                   -l  1 . Note that -l "3-" set a levlist from 3 to the bottom
      OPTIONS :
        -8 : save in double precision instead of standard simple precision.
        -surf : work with single level C-grid (not forcing)
        -overf : store the ratio curl/f where f is the coriolis parameter
        [ -full ] : in case of full step configuration. Default is partial step.
        -o OUT-file : specify output file name instead of
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : div units : s^-1
                or divoverf, no units (if -overf option)


  usage : cdfeddyscale mean-cdfeddyscale_pass1-file
      PURPOSE :
      Compute: -the Taylor scale or large scale eddy (lambda1)
               -the small scale eddy (lambda2)
               -and the inertial range (scar) on F-points
      lambda1 = sqrt(mean Kinetic Energie / Enstrophy)
      lambda2 = sqrt(Enstrophy / Palinstrophy)
      Inertial Range    = lambda1 / lambda2
      Enstrophy = 1/2 * ( mean((RV)^2) )
      Palinstrophy = 1/2 * ( mean((dx(RV))^2 + (dy(RV))^2) )
      mean-cdfeddyscale_pass1-file : mean of the terms compute by
      the program cdfeddyscale_pass1
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : solambda1 (m), solambda2 (m), soscar
      SEE ALSO :


  usage : cdfeddyscale_pass1 U-file V-file U-var V-var lev
      PURPOSE :
      Compute: - the curl and the square of curl on F-points,
               - the gradient components of the curl and the
                 square of the gradient components on UV-points,
               - the square of velocity components on UV-points,
      for given gridU gridV files and variables. These variables are required
      for computing eddy scales with cdfeddyscale. Therefore this program is
      the first step in computing the eddy scales.
         These terms will used to compute the Taylor scale or large
      scale eddy (lambda1) and the small scale eddy (lambda2) in
      the program cdfeddyscale.
        U-file : zonal component of the vector field.
        V-file : meridional component of the vector field.
        U-var  : zonal component variable name
        V-var  : meridional component variable name.
        lev    : level to be processed. If set to 0, assume forcing file 
                 in input.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : socurl (s^-1), socurl2 (s^-2)
          variables : sodxcurl, sodycurl (s^-1.m^-1)
          variables : sodxcurl2, sodycurl2 (s^-2.m^-2)
          variables : vozocrtx2, vomecrty2 (m^2.s^-2)
          WARNING : variables in the output file are not located at the same
                  C-grid point.
      SEE ALSO : 


  usage : cdfeke U-file [U2-file]  V-file [V2-file] T-file [-mke ] [-nc4] ...
             ... [-o output_file]
      PURPOSE :
         Compute the Eddy Kinetic Energy from previously computed
         mean values and mean squared values of velocity components.
      ARGUMENTS : both 'General Use' or 'Reduced Use' are acceptable
       * General Use: 5 files are given in argument, and EKE is computed
        U-file  : gridU type file with mean U component.
        U2-file : gridU2 type file with mean U2 component.
        V-file  : gridV type file with mean V component.
        V2-file : gridV2 type file with mean V2 component.
        T-file  : any gridT or gridT2 (smaller) file, used for EKE header.
       * Reduced Use: no U2/V2 file, only MKE is computed from U and V file.
        U-file  : gridU type file with mean U component.
        V-file  : gridV type file with mean V component.
        T-file  : any gridT or gridT2 (smaller) file, used for MKE header.
      OPTION :
        -mke  : output MKE field together with EKE. 
        -nc4  : allow netcdf4 output with compression and chunking.
        -o output file : specify output file name instead of
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : unless -o option in use.
          variables : voeke (m2/s)
          variables : vomke (m2/s) if required


  usage : cdfenstat list_of_model_files [-spval0] [-nc4] [-v4d] -o OUT-file]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the time average of a list of files given as arguments.
        This program handle multi time-frame files is such a way that
        the output files are also multi time-frame, each frame being
        the average across the files given in the list.
        The program assume that all files in the list are of same
        type (shape, variables , and number of time frames ). 
        For some variables, the program also compute the time average 
        of the squared variables, which is used in other cdftools 
        (cdfeke, cdfrmsssh, cdfstdevw, cdfstddevts ... The actual variables
        selected for squared average are :
          - vozocrtx
          - vomecrty
          - vovecrtz
          - sossheig
        This selection can be adapted with the nam_cdf_namelist process.
        (See cdfnamelist -i for details).
        If you want to compute the average of already averaged files,
        consider using cdfmoy_weighted instead, in order to take into
        account a particular weight for each file in the list.
        A list of similar model output files. 
      OPTIONS :
        [ -spval0 ] :  set missing_value attribute to 0 for all output
                variables and take care of the input missing_value.
                This option is usefull if missing_values differ from files 
                to files; it was formely done by cdfmoy_chsp).
        [ -nc4 ] : output file will be in netcdf4, with chunking and deflation
        [ -v4d ] : uses 4D arrays for improved performance (use more memory !)
        [ -o OUT-file ] : specify a name for output file instead of
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : cdfmoy.ncunless -o option in use
        variables : are the same than in the input files. Standard Dev are 
         named  stdev_<variable>


  usage : cdfets  T-file 
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the eddy time scale, and a proxy for rossby radius.
        The Rossby radius is computed as the vertical integral of N2
        (Brunt Vaissala frequency), scaled by |f|*pi
        The Eddy Time Scale is the ratio N/|grad B| where N is the square
        root of N2 and |grad B| is the module of the horizontal buoyancy
        gradient. B is the buoyancy computed as B=-g rho/rho0.
        T-file : netcdf input file for temperature and salinity (gridT).
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : voets (days)  and sorosrad (m)


  usage :   cdffindij  xmin xmax ymin ymax  [-c COOR-file] [-p point_type]...
                     [-f list_file ] [-d decriptor] [-o output_file] [-a] [-l]
      PURPOSE :
        Return the model limit (i,j space) of the geographical window 
        given on the input line. If using -f list_file option, then the output
        is just a single point, not a window, and xmin, xmax, ymin ymax are not
        used at all.
        xmin xmax ymin ymax : geographical limits of the window, in lon/lat
        (relevant only if -f option not used.)
      OPTIONS :
        [-c COOR-file ] : specify a particular coordinate file
                      default is
        [-p point type] : specify the point on the C-grid (T U V F)
                      default is F
        [-f list_file ] : list_file is an ascii file describing the location
                 (one per line) of geographical points to be translated to 
                 model (i,j) point. Unless specified with -d option, this list
                 file contains Longitude (X) Latitudes (Y) information.
        [-d descriptor] : descriptor is a string indicating the position of
                 X and Y coordinates for the lines of list_file. Default value
                 of the descriptor is 'XY'. Any other field on the line is 
                 indicated with any characterm except X or Y. Example of valid
                 descriptor : 'oXYooo' or 'ooYabcdfXooo' 
        [-a  ] : With this option, output is similar to input with I,J appended
                 to the corresponding line.
        [-l  ] : With this option, also output the exact model longitude and 
                 latitude of the I,J point.
        [-o output_file] : write output in ascii output_file instead of standard
      REQUIRED FILES : or the specified coordinates file.
      OUTPUT : 
        Output is done on standard output.


  usage : cdffixtime  -f IN-file -i initial date [-t tag] [-dt freq] ... 
                ...  [-keep ] [-leap] [ -noleap]
      PURPOSE :
         Change time_counter in file to set it according to drakkar rule,
         time_counter attibutes 'units' and 'time_origin' are ajusted.
          * units are 'seconds since yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' 
          * time_origin is set to 'yyyy-MMM-dd hh:mm:ss', MMM represents a
         litteral abbreviation for the month (eg: JAN FEB MAR ...)
         Once fixed, the time_counter indicates the middle of the output 
         interval (in case of averaged output, of course).
        -f IN-file     : specify the file whose time_counter need adjustment
        -i inital date : indicate the time origin in a fixed 2 words format
                    yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss ( eg: 1956-05-16 04:30:00 )
      OPTIONS :
        [ -t tag ]  : supply a time tag corresponding to the file. If not
                      supplied, tag is taken from the name of the input file
                      assuming DRAKKAR convention ( )
        [ -dt freq] : number of days between model output [ 5d ]
        [-leap ]    : assume a calendar with leap years
        [-noleap ]  : assume a calendar without leap years (default)
        [-keep ]    : keep the actual value of time_counter, adjust time_counter
                     attributes only;
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : Input file is modified (only attributes)


  Usage : cdfflxconv YEAR config 
     Output 6 cdf files : for emp, qnet, qsr, sst, taux, tauy with standard var 
 name :
         sowaflup, sohefldo, soshfldo, sst, sozotaux, sometauy 
     coordinates.diags ( clipper like) is required in current dir 


  usage : cdffracinv TRC-file [-inv INV-name]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the fraction of inventory for passive tracers, which is 
        the ratio between inventory at a grid point and the total inventory.
        TRC-file : netcdf file with tracer inventory.
      OPTIONS :
        -inv INV-name  : name of the netcdf name for inventory [ invcfc ]
        none ... but : horizontal weight to be coded ?
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : fracinv


  usage : cdffwc IN-file BASIN-var1,var2,.. [-o OUT-file] [-sref REFSAL]
                 [-full] [-accum] [-ssh]
      PURPOSE :
        Computes the freshwater content in a given basin from top
        to bottom for each layer. Can handle full step configuration
        using the -full option.
         IN-file            : netcdf input file.
         BASIN-var1,var2,.. : Comma separated list of sub-basin variables
                              to process.
         OUT-file           : use specified output file instead of <IN-var>.nc
      OPTIONS :
         -full  : for full step computation 
         -accum : compute accumulated content from top to bottom
         -ssh   : take ssh into account for surface layer
         -sref  : reference salinity (= 34.7 by deafult)
      REQUIRED FILES :, and and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : (or specified with -o option)
          variables :  fwc_BASIN, where BASIN was set by argument BASIN-var*
                       (cAsE sensitive !)


  usage : cdfgeo-uv -f T-file [-o UOUT-file VOUT-file ] [ -C option ]
      PURPOSE :
          Compute the geostrophic velocity component from the gradient 
        of the SSH read in the input file. 
          Without any -C option, the zonal component is located on a 
        C-grid V point, the meridional one is located on C-Grid U point.
          See the use of the -C option in order to have (Ugeo, Vgeo) 
        at (U,V) points on the C-grid.
       -f  T-file : netcdf file with SSH (input).
      OPTIONS :
       -o UOUT-file VOUT-file: specify the names of the output files.
                 Default are:
       -C option : Using this option, the output velocity component are
                at the correct (U,V) points on the C-grid
                2 options are available :
               option = 1 : SSH is interpolated on the F point prior derivation
               option = 2 : Ugeo and Vgeo are interpolated on the C-grid after
                  Both option should give very similar results...
      REQUIRED FILES : and
      OUTPUT : 
        - netcdf file : (default)
            variables : vozocrtx
            Unless -C option is used : 
              *** CAUTION:  this variable is located on V-point ***
        - netcdf file : (default)
            variables : vomecrty
            Unless -C option is used : 
              *** CAUTION:  this variable is located on U-point ***


  usage : cdfgeostrophy T-file
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the geostrophic velocity component from the pressure gradient 
        computed from SSH and in-situ density (T,S of input file) 
        T-file : netcdf file with SSH, T and S.
      REQUIRED FILES : and
      OUTPUT : 
        - netcdf file :
            variables : vozocrtx
        - netcdf file :
            variables : vomecrty


  usage : cdfgradT T-file [S-file] 
      PURPOSE :
         Compute horizontal and vertical gradient of temperature and salinity.
       Results are saved at U point for zonal gradient, V point for meridional
       gradient and W for vertical gradient.
        T-file : File with votemper and vosaline variables
            If vosaline not in T-file give a second name for S-file.
      OPTIONS :
        S-file : File with vosaline variable if not in T file
      REQUIRED FILES : and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
                     6  variables : 
               vozogradt, vomegradt, vovegradt : 3 component of the temperature
                           located respectively at U, V and W points
               vozograds, vomegrads, vovegrads : 3 component of the salinity
                           located respectively at U, V and W points
      SEE ALSO :


  usage : cdfhdy T-file level1 level2
      PURPOSE :
         Compute dynamical height anomaly field from gridT file.
         It is computed as the integral of (1/g) *10e4 * sum [ delta * dz ]
             where delta = (1/rho - 1/rho0)
             10e4 factor is for the conversion decibar to pascal.
         T-file  : netcdf file with temperature and salinity
         level1  : upper limit for vertical integration (usually 1 = surface)
         level2  : lower limit for vertical integration.
      REQUIRED FILES : and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : sohdy (m)


  usage : cdfhdy3d T-file
      PURPOSE :
         Compute dynamic height anomaly from T-file given as argument.
        T-file : netcdf file with temperature and salinity.
      REQUIRED FILES : and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : vohdy ( m )
      SEE ALSO :


  usage :  cdfheatc  T-file ...
     ... [imin imax jmin jmax kmin kmax] [-full] 
      PURPOSE :
         Computes the heat content in the specified area (Joules)
         A sub-domain can be specified in option.
        T-file : a file with temperature and salinity
      OPTIONS :
        [imin imax jmin jmax kmin kmax] : limit of a sub domain where
                       the heat content will be calculated.
                    - if imin = 0 then ALL i are taken
                    - if jmin = 0 then ALL j are taken
                    - if kmin = 0 then ALL k are taken
        [-full ] : assume full step model output instead of default
                   partial steps.
        [-mxloption ] : pass 1 to compute only in the mixed layer, -1 to exclude
                        it from the calculations 
        Files, and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : to be done ....
        Standard output


  usage : cdfhflx  T-file 
      PURPOSE :
        Computes the Meridional Heat Transport (MHT) from surface heat fluxes,
        in function of the latitude.
        If a sub-basin file is available, MHT is computed for each sub-basin.
        Note that the latitude is in fact a line of constant J coordinate, not
        a true parallel, if the model grid is distorted as in the northern most
        part of ORCA configurations.
        T-file : a file with heat fluxes (gridT). 
        Files, and
        If is not available, only global MHT is computed.
      OUTPUT : 
        ASCII file  : hflx.out
        netcdf file :
          variables : hflx_glo, [hflx_atl, hflx_inp, hflx_pac, hflx_ind]


  usage : cdfhgradb -t T-file [-s S-file] [-nc4 ] [-o OUT-file] ...
                    ...  [-sal SAL-name]  [-tem TEMP-name] 
      PURPOSE :
         Compute the norm of the horizontal buoyancy gradient.
       Results are saved at T points.
        -t T-file : File with votemper and vosaline variables
            If vosaline not in T-file use -s option.
           Note that salinity and/or temperature variables name can be changed
           with -sal and/or -tem options, respectively.
      OPTIONS :
       [-s S-file ] : File with vosaline variable if not in T file
       [-nc4      ] : use netcdf4 chunking and deflation on output 
       [-o output file] : specify the name of output file instead of 
                 default name
       [-sal SAL-name] : specify the name of salinity variable
       [-tem TEM-name] : specify the name of temperature variable
      REQUIRED FILES : and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : ( unless specified with -o option)
                     1  variables : 
               vohgradb: norm of the horizontal buoyancy gradient at t-point
      SEE ALSO :


  usage : cdficediag ICE-file [-lim3] 
      PURPOSE :
         Compute the ice volume, area and extent for each hemisphere.
         The extent is computed in a similar way to NSIDC for easy 
         comparison : the extent is the surface of the grid cells covered
         by ice when the ice concentration is above 0.15
         For compatibility with previous version, another estimate of 
         the extend is computed using grid cell surfaces weighted by the
         ice concentration, but it will be deprecated soon.
        ICE-file : netcdf icemod file (LIM2 by default)
      OPTION :
        [-lim3 ] : LIM3 variable name convention is used
        [-o OUT-file ] : specify output file instead of
      REQUIRED FILES : and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : [NS]Volume  (10^9 m3 )
                      [NS]Area    (10^9 m2 )
                      [NS]Extent  (10^9 m2 ) -- obsolete --
                      [NS]Exnsidc (10^9 m2 )
                N = northern hemisphere
                S = southern hemisphere
        standard output


  usage : cdfimprovechk IN-var OBS-file REF-file TST-file
      PURPOSE :
         Estimate the improvement/deterioration of a test run,
         compared with a reference run relative to some observations
         This program computes the quantity zchk= ( REF - TEST )/(REF - OBS)
         Where 0 < zchk <= 1, the TST is better than the reference
         Where 1 < zchk, the TST  was corrected in the right sense but too much
         Where  zchk < 0, the TST  was corrected was corrected in the wrong way.
         IN-var    : netcdf input variable
         OBS-file  : netcdf observation file
         REF-file  : netcdf reference file
         TST-file  : netcdf test file
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : same as input variable.


  usage : cdfinfo 'model cdf file' [-dep dep] 
      PURPOSE :
         Gives very basic information about the file given in arguments.
         model output file in netcdf.
      OPTIONS :
         [-dep depth ] : return the nearest k index corresponding to depth 
      OUTPUT : 
         On standard ouput, gives the size of the domain, the depth 
         dimension name, the number of variables.


  usage : cdfisf_fill  -f ISF-file -v ISF-var -l ISF-list [-nc4 ] [-o OUT-file]
      PURPOSE : Build a nc file with a single value for each pool around a list
                of given point. A warning is given when neighbouring ice-shelves
                cannot be discriminated (no gap in between). In this case, hand
                edit on the ISF-file is required.
      ARGUMENTS : 
          -f ISF-file : netcdf file  which contains the ice shelf draft variable
                      (mesh_zgr is OK). It is used as a mask, only.
          -v ISF-var  : variable name corresponding to the ice shelf draft or 
                       ice shelf level
          -l ISF-list : text file containing at least the following information:
                  1  NAME    LON  LAT I  J 
                  i  NAMEi   LON  LAT I  J 
                  No NAME  X    Y   I  J 
      OPTIONS : 
           -nc4 : use NetCDF4 chunking and deflation for the output
           -o OUT-file : specify the name of the output file instead of
                  This file will be one of the input file for cdfmkforcingisf 
                  as the ISF-fill_file 
      OUTPUT : 
               netcdf file : 
               variable : sofillvar contains for all points in ice shelf NAME 
                          the value -i (negative value)
               text file : <ISF-list>_zmin_zmax.txt 
                         this output file is similar to <ISF-list> but updated
                         with the minimum and maximul value of ice-draft for 
                         each shelf.
      SEE ALSO : 
            cdfisf_forcing,  cdfisf_rnf 


  usage : cdfisf_forcing -f ISF-fill_file  -v ISF-fill_var -l ISF-listfile 
              -m ISF-poolmask [-vm ISF-poolmask_variable] [-p PATTERN-file] 
             [-vp PATTERN-variable] [-nc4] [-o OUT-file ]
      PURPOSE : 
          Build basal melting rate file used in NEMO ISF when nn_isf=4 
      ARGUMENTS : 
           -f ISF-fill_file : file built by cdfisf_fill (all the ice shelves 
                              are tagged with an id)
           -v ISF-fill_var  : name of fill variable to use in ISF-fill_file
           -l ISF-listfile : text file used to build the ISF-fill_file. 
                             Only the last variable on each line is used (GT/y)
      OPTIONS :
           -p PATTERN-file : specify the file use for patterns. 
                             [ default : ]
           -vp PATTERN-variable : specify the name of the pattern variable. 
                             [ default : sowflisf ]
           -vm ISF-poolmask_variable : specify the name of the variable used 
                  for masking the pools. [ default : isfpoolmask ]
           -nc4 : use netcdf4 chunking and deflation
           -o OUT-file : specify output filename. [ default : ]
   (ie reference file used to define the isf melting 
                  pattern), unless -p option is used to give different name.
      OUTPUT :
          netcdf file : unless specified with -o option
          variable : sofwfisf 
      SEE ALSO : cdfisf_fill, cdfisf_rnf, cdfisf_poolchk


  usage : cdfisf_poolchk -m MASK-file -d ISFDRAFT-file [-v ISFDRAFT-variable]
             [-nc4] [-o OUT-file]
      PURPOSE :
        Produce a netcdf mask file with 1 everywhere, except for points 
        not connected to the open ocean (Frequent for cavities below 
        ice-shelves), which have 0 value. Both 3D and 2D variables are
        created, the 2D variables beiing used for cdfisf_forcing.
        -m MASK-file : name of the input NEMO mask file, with tmask variable.
        -d ISFDRAFT-file : name of the file with ice shelf draft.
      OPTIONS :
        -v ISFDRAFT-variable: name of the variable for ice shelf draft.
        -nc4 : use netcdf4 with chunking and deflation for the output.
        -o OUT-file : name of the output file. [Default : ]
        Only the mask file given as argument
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : unless -o option is used.
          variables : tmask_pool3d, tmask_pool2d
      SEE ALSO :
       cdfisf_fill, cdfisf_forcing, cdfisf_rnf


  usage : cdfisf_rnf -f ISF-fill-file -v ISF-fill_var -l ISF-listfile -w width 
      [-b BATHY-file] [-vb BATHY-var] [-i ISFDRAFT-file] [-vi ISFDRAFT-variable]
      [-nc4] [-o OUT-file ]
      PURPOSE :
         Build a netcdf file runoff file using the basal melting of the 
         ice-shelves. This netcdf file is intented to be used with NEMO when
         nn_isf namelist parameter is set to 3.
           -f ISF-fill_file : file built by cdffill (all the ice shelves are
                              tagged with an id)
           -v ISF-fill_var  : name of fill variable to use in ISF-fill_file
           -l ISF-list : Text file with the melting rate (GT/y) given for
                each ice shelf.
           -w width : specify the width (in grid points) on which the run-off
                will be applied.
      OPTIONS :
           -b BATHY-file : give name of bathy file.
                       [ default : ]
           -vp BATHY-var : give name of bathy variable.
                       [ default : Bathymetry ]
           -i ISFDRAFT-file : give name of isf_draft file.
                       [ default : ]
           -vi ISFDRAFT-var : give name of isf_draft variable.
                       [ default : isf_draft ]
           -nc4 : Use this option to have netcdf4 output file, with chunking
                and deflation.
           -o OUT-file : Specify the name of the output file instead of 
                the default name
      REQUIRED FILES : and all files specified on the command line
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : unless -o option used
          variables : sozisfmax (m), sozisfmin(m), sofwfisf (kg/m2/s)
      SEE ALSO :
        cdfisf_fill, cdfisf_forcing, cdfisf_poolchk


  usage : cdfisopsi ref_level sigma_ref gridT 
       Compute  a geostrophic streamfunction
       projected  on an isopycn.
          ref_level = reference level for pot. density
          sigma_ref = density level to project on
          gridT     = input file for temperature and salinity
          Output on variable soisopsi
          Depths are taken from input file 
          requires and


 usage : cdfkempemekeepe file
      Produce a cdf file with wT and anowT variables
      file is from cdfmoyuvwt
      the mean must have been computed on a period long enough
      for the statistics to be meaningful


  usage : cdflap IN-file IN-var  IN-type [-overf2] [-nometric]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the Laplacian of the variable IN-var in file IN-file
        Assumes that the data are on a C-grid model (as NEMO) 
        IN-file : netcdf file in input
        IN-var  : name of the variable to process 
        IN-TYPE : Position of the variable on the C-grid [ T U V F ]
      OPTIONS :
        -overf2 : save laplacien/f/f*g (where f is the local coriolis 
             parameter, and g is the accelaration due to gravity --9.81 m/s2-- )
             For the SSH field, this is a proxy for geostrophic vorticity
        -nometric : compute laplacian without considering metrics 
      REQUIRED FILES : and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : lap<var> (unit/m2)
        if option -overf2 is used, netcdf file is and 
        variable is lap<var>overf2


  usage : cdflinreg 'list of model files' 
      PURPOSE :
         Compute the linear regression coefficients for a bunch of
         input files. 
        A list of netcdf model file of same kind
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : for each input variables, there are 3 computed field
                 - slope coefficient
                 - barycenter 
                 - Pearson Coefficient


  usage : cdfmaskdmp T-file S-file  ... 
                ... [ref_dep snmin swidth hmin hwidth latmax latwidth]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute a damping mask with smooth transition according to density,
        depth and latitude criteria.
        T-file : temperature file
        S-file : salinity file
         They can be the same file, but as many climatologied are provided
         in separate files, we decided to put both in the command line.
      OPTIONS :
         ** If used, they must all be provided in the correct order (!) **
        ref_dep  : reference depth for potential density.
        snmin    : density minimum for the mask.
        swidth   : density width for tapering
        hmin     : minimum depth
        hwidth   : depth width  for tapering
        latmax   : maximum latitude
        latwidth : latitude width  for tapering
        Actual default values are :
         ref_dep  =    2000.000    
         snmin    =    37.16000    
         swidth   =   2.5000000E-02
         hmin     =    1000.000    
         hwidth   =    100.0000    
         latmax   =   -20.00000    
         latwidth =    2.000000    
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : wdmp


  usage : cdfmax -f file -var cdfvar ...
       ... [-lev kmin kmax ] [-zoom imin imax jmin jmax] ...
       ... [-time tmin tmax ] [-fact multfact]  [-xy ]
      PURPOSE :
         Find minimum and maximum of a file as well as their 
         respective location. Options allow to restrict the 
         finding to a sub area in time and space. This program
         also deal with vertical slabs in a domain.
        -f file  : input file 
        -var cdfvar : input variable
      OPTIONS :
        [-lev kmin kmax ] : restrict to level between kmin and kmax. 
        [-zoom imin imax jmin jmax] : restrict to sub area specified
                        by the given limits. If the zoomed area is 
                        degenerated to a single line, then the vertical
                        slab is considered as domain.
        [-time tmin tmax ] : restrict to the indicated time windows.
        [-fact multfact] : use a multiplicative factor for the output
        [-xy ] : force horizontal slab even in the case of a degenerated
                        zoomed area.
      OUTPUT : 
        output is done on standard output.


  usage : cdfmaxmoc OVT-file basin_name latmin latmax depmin depmax
      PURPOSE :
         Compute the maximum and minimum of the overturning, from file OVT-file,
         for oceanic basin specified by cbasin, and in the geographical frame 
         defined by latmin latmax, depmin, depmax.
        OVT-file   : overturning file from cdfmoc, with or w/o sub basins.
        basin_name : name of oceanic subbasin as defined in
                 usually it can be one of atl, glo, inp, ind or pac
                 glo means no subbasins.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          6 variables : 
             maxmoc, minmoc ( sv )      : max and min of overturning
             latmaxmoc latminmoc ( deg) : latitudes of max and min.
             depmaxmoc depminmoc ( m)   : depth of max amd min .
      SEE ALSO :


  usage : cdfmean  IN-file IN-var T|U|V|F|W [imin imax jmin jmax kmin kmax]
        ... [-full] [-var] [-zeromean] 
      PURPOSE :
         Computes the mean value of the field (3D, weighted). For 3D fields,
         a horizontal mean for each level is also given. If a spatial window
         is specified, the mean value is computed only in this window.
        IN-file : input netcdf file.
        IN-var  : name of netcdf variable to work with.
        T|U|V|F|W : position of cdfvar on the C-grid
      OPTIONS :
        [imin imax jmin jmax kmin kmax] : spatial windows where mean value 
                   is computed:
                   if imin = 0 then ALL i are taken
                   if jmin = 0 then ALL j are taken
                   if kmin = 0 then ALL k are taken
        [ -full ] : compute the mean for full steps, instead of default 
                    partial steps.
        [ -var ]  : also compute the spatial variance of cdfvar 
        [ -zeromean ] : create a file with cdfvar having a zero spatial mean.
      OUTPUT : 
        - netcdf file :
            variables : mean_cdfvar, mean_3D_cdfvar 
                     [var_cdfvar, var_3D_cdfvar, in case of -var]
        - netcdf file : [ in case of -zeromean option]
            variables : cdfvar
        - ASCII files : cdfmean.txt
                        [ cdfvar.txt, in case of -var ]
        - all output on ASCII files are also sent to standard output.


  usage : cdfmhst  VT-file | (V-file T-file [S-file])  [MST] [-full] ...
               ...  [-Zdim] 
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the meridional heat/salt transport as a function of 
        latitude. If the file is provided, the meridional 
        heat/salt transport for each sub-basin is also computed.
        VT-file  : netcdf file containing the mean value of the products
                   U.S, U.T, V.S and V.T (obtained with cdfvT).
        V-file T-file [S-file] : specify V, T S file as separate files. If
                  S-file is not specified, assume that salinity is in T-file.
      OPTIONS :
        [MST ]   : output flag for meridional salt transport on netcdf files.
                   If not specified, only the MHT is output.
        [-full ] : to be set for full step case.
        [-Zdim ] : to be set to output vertical structure of Heat/salt transport
      REQUIRED FILES :, and
         If is also available, sub-basin meridional transports
         are also computed.
      OUTPUT : 
        ASCII files : zonal_heat_trp.dat : Meridional Heat Transport
                      zonal_salt_trp.dat : Meridional Salt Transport
        netcdf file :
            variables : ( [... ] : MST option ) 
                        zomht_glo  : Meridional Heat Transport (global)
                      [ zomst_glo  : Meridional Salt Transport (global) ] 
        If is available, per basin meridional transport 
        are also available:
                        zomht_atl  : Meridional Heat Transport
                      [ zomst_atl  : Meridional Salt Transport ]
                        zomht_inp  : Meridional Heat Transport
                      [ zomst_inp  : Meridional Salt Transport ]
                        zomht_ind  : Meridional Heat Transport
                      [ zomst_ind  : Meridional Salt Transport ]
                        zomht_pac  : Meridional Heat Transport
                      [ zomst_pac  : Meridional Salt Transport ]
                        zomht_inp0 : Meridional Heat Transport
                      [ zomst_inp0 : Meridional Salt Transport ]


  usage : cdfmkmask T-file [-zoom lonmin lonmax latmin latmax] ...
                    ... [-zoomij iimin iimax ijmin ijmax] ...
                    ... [-zoombat bathymin bathymax]  ...
                    ... [-zoomvar varname varmin varmax]  ...
                    ... [-time ] [-o OUT-file ]
      PURPOSE :
        Build a mask file from vosaline array read from the input file.
        It assumes that land salinity values are set to 0.
        T-file : netcdf file with salinity.
                 if T-file = -maskfile, we assume a reference file named
                 with tmask variable.
                 if T-file = -mbathy, we assume a reference file named 
        with mbathy variable, giving the number of 
                 levels in the ocean.
      OPTIONS :
        [-zoom lonmin lonmax latmin latmax] : geographical windows used to
                         limit the area where the mask is builded. Outside
                         this area, the mask is set to 0.
        [-zoomij iimin iimax ijmin ijmax] : model grid windows used to
                         limit the area where the mask is builded. Outside
                         this area, the mask is set to 0.
        [-zoombat bathymin bathymax] : depth windows used to
                         limit the area where the mask is builded. Outside
                         this area, the mask is set to 0.
        [-zoomvar varname varmin varmax] : range of varname used to
                         limit the area where the mask is builded. Outside
                         this area, the mask is set to 0.
        [-time ] : If further time step is available
                         a mask for each time step is done
        [-o OUT-file ] : output file name to be used in place of standard
                         name [ ]
        If option -zoombat is used, file is required.
        If option T-file is -maskfile then is required.
        If option T-file is -mbathy then and
         are required.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : or OUT-file.
          variables : tmask, umask, vmask, fmask
                 fmask can differ from standard fmask because it does not
                 reflect the slip/noslip lateral condition.


  usage : cdfmltmask -f IN-file -m MSK-file -v IN-var1,var2,...  
               -p  T| U | V | F | W | P  [-s _Fillvalue] [-nc4] [-o OUT-file]
               [ -M MSK-var ]
      PURPOSE :
        Multiply IN-var(s) of IN-file by the mask corresponding to the
        C-grid point position given by the -p argument.
        -f IN-file  : input netcdf file.
        -m MSK-file : input netcdf mask file.
        -v IN-var1,var2,...   : Comma separated list of variable names to mask.
        -p T| U | V | F | W | P : C-grid position of IN-var
                 P indicate a polygon mask created by cdfpoly.
       OPTIONS : 
         -s _FillValue : specify values for masked areas [0 by default ]
         -nc4 : output file will be chunked and deflated
         -o OUT-file : name of output file, instead of <IN-file>_masked
         -M MSK-var : use MSK-var in the MSK-file, instead of the one defined
                by default according to the -p option. Overrid -p option.
         none, all are given as arguments.
      OUTPUT : (jvar)
        The output file is a copy of the input file with only
        the requested variable masked.
        netcdf file : IN-file_masked unless specified with -o 
          variables : IN-var (same as input).


  usage : cdfmoc  V_file [-full] [-decomp ] [T_file] [S_file] [U_file] ...
                 [-o OUT-file] [-rapid] 
      PURPOSE :
        Computes the MOC for oceanic sub basins as described 
        V_file : file with meridional velocity component (mandatory).
        T_file : file with temperature and salinity
                (required only for -decomp option).
        S_file  (required only for -rapid option, might be the same as T_file).
        U_file  (required only for -rapid option).
      OPTIONS :
        [-full ] : use full step instead of default partial step
        [-decomp ] : decompose MOC in 3 components: Geostrophic,
                  Barotropic,  Ageostrophic). For this option a 
                  gridT file is required.
        [-rapid ] : Compute the AMOC at 26.5 N in the same waay than the
                   RAPID MOCHA array, separating the Gulfstream transport,
                   and the contribution of different water masses :
                    - 0-800m      : Thermocline recirculation
                    - 800-1100m   : AIW recirculation
                    - 1100-3000m  : upper-NADW recirculation
                    - 3000-5000m  : lower-NADW recirculation
                    - 5000-bottom : AABW recirculation
        [-o OUT-file ] : specify output file instead of
        Files and
        File If this latter file is not available 
              only the MOC for the global domain is computed
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
        variables zomsfglo : Global ocean 
        variables zomsfatl : Atlantic Ocean 
        variables zomsfinp : Indo Pacific 
        variables zomsfind : Indian Ocean alone
        variables zomsfpac : Pacific Ocean alone
        variables zomsfinp0 : Indo Pacific Net
        If decomposition is required , ( option -decomp ) add 3 additional
        variables per basin with suffixes _sh, _bt, _ag.
        If option -rapid is used the output file ( is degenerated
        into 6 scalar values : tr_gs, tr_THERM, tr_AIW, tr_UNADW, tr_LNADW, 
        tr_BW and a vertical profile of the AMOC at 26.5N, as computed
        Additional variables are also computed following CLIVAR-GODAE 
        reanalysis intercomparison project recommendations. 


  usage : cdfmocsig  V_file T_file depth_ref [-eiv] [-full]  ... 
          ...  [-sigmin sigmin] [-sigstp sigstp] [-nbins nbins] [-isodep] [-v]
      PURPOSE : 
        Computes the MOC in density-latitude coordinates. The global value
        is always computed. Values for oceanic sub-basins are calculated
        if the file is provided.
        Last arguments is the reference depth for potential density, in m.
        Actually only 0 1000 or 2000 are available with standard values for
        density bins. If you specify another reference depth, you must also
        specify the minimum density, the bin size and the number of bins,
        with the options -sigmin, -sigstp, -nbins
         V_file  : Netcdf gridV file
         T_file  : Netcdf gridT file
         depth_ref : reference depth for density 
                for depth values of 0 1000 or 2000, pre-defined limits for
                minimum density, number of density bins and width of density
                bins are provided. For other reference depth, you must use
                -sigmin, -sigstp and -nbins options (see below).
                Keyword 'ntr' can also be used in place of depth_ref in 
                order to use neutral density (no default bin defined so far).
      OPTIONS :
        [-eiv ] : takes into account VEIV Meridional eddy induced velocity
                  -> To be used only if Gent and McWilliams parameterization 
                     has been used 
        [ -full ] : Works with full step instead of standard partial steps
        [ -sigmin ] : Specify minimum of density for bining
        [ -sigstp ] : Specify density step for bining
        [ -nbins ]  : Specify the number of density bins you want
        [ -isodep]  : Compute the zonal mean of isopycnal depths used for mocsig
        [ -v  ]     : Verbose option for more info during execution
         File is optional [sub basins masks]
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
        variables zomsfglo : Global ocean 
        variables zomsfatl : Atlantic Ocean 
        variables zomsfinp : Indo Pacific 
        variables zomsfind : Indian Ocean alone
        variables zomsfpac : Pacific Ocean alone
        If file is not present, file
        is used and only zomsfglo is produced.
        If option -isodep is used, each MOC variable is complemented by a iso
        variable, giving the zonal mean of ispycnal depth (e.g.zoisoglo).


  usage : cdfmoy list_of_model_files [-spval0] [-cub ] [-zeromean] [-max]
                [-nomissincl] [-nc4 ] [-o output_file_root ]
      PURPOSE :
        Computes the time average of a list of files given as arguments.
        The program assumes that all files in the list are of same
        type (shape, variables etc...). 
        For some variables, the program also computes the time average 
        of the squared variables, which is used in other cdftools 
        (cdfeke, cdfrmsssh, cdfstdevw, cdfstddevts ... The actual variables
        selected for squared average are :
          - vozocrtx
          - vomecrty
          - vovecrtz
          - sossheig
        This selection can be adapted with the nam_cdf_namelist process.
        (See cdfnamelist -i for details).
        If you want to compute the average of already averaged files,
        consider using cdfmoy_weighted instead, in order to take into
        account a particular weight for each file in the list.
        A list of similar model output files. 
      OPTIONS :
        [ -spval0 ] :  set missing_value attribute to 0 for all output
                variables and take care of the input missing_value.
                This option is usefull if missing_values differ from files 
                to files; it was formely done by cdfmoy_chsp).
        [ -cub ] :  use this option if you want to compute third order moments
                for the eligible variables, which are at present :
               - sossheig
               - votemper
               This selection can be adapted with the nam_cdf_namelist process.
               (See cdfnamelist -i for details).
        [ -zeromean ] : with this option, the spatial mean value for each 
               time frame is substracted from the original field before 
               averaging, square averaging and eventually cubic averaging.
        [-max ] : with this option, a file with the minimum and maximum values
               of the variables is created.
        [-nomissincl ] : with this option, the output mean is set to missing
               value at any gridpoint where the variable contains a  missing
               value for at least one timestep. You should combine with option
               -spval0 if missing values are not 0 in all  the input files.
        [ -nc4 ] Use netcdf4 output with chunking and deflation level 1
                This option is effective only if cdftools are compiled with
                a netcdf library supporting chunking and deflation.
        [ -o output file root ] Default is cdfmoy
        If -zeromean option is used, need and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : and
        variables : are the same than in the input files. For squared averages
        _sqd is append to the original variable name.
        If -cub option is used, the file is also created
        with _cub append to the original variable name.
        If -max option is used, file is also created, with 
        same variable names.
      SEE ALSO :
        cdfmoy_weighted, cdfstdev


  usage : cdfmoy_freq -i IN-file -f averaging-length [ -v3d] [-v4d] 
               [-nc4] [-o output root] 
      PURPOSE :
        This program takes a file covering 1 year of data (evenly spaced)
        and sub-samples the data by performing box averages, which span is given
        as argument.  The original data sampling can be hours, days or monthes 
        or even seasons.
        The program recognizes leap years, and when feb. 29 is found, it is 
        included in the current 'box' (averaging length is thus increased
        by 1 day.
        -i IN-file : gives the name of the yearly file containing either 365 
                   or 366 days
        -f averaging-length : Set the time size of the averaging box. 
                  Averaging length is specified using XIOS convention (e.g. 1d,
                  5d, 1mo, 1y ; 4mo stands for seasonal means )
      OPTIONS :
        [-v3d] : use 3d variable (x,y,t) : save execution time, increase memory
        [-v4d] : use 4d variable (x,y,z,t): save execution time, increase memory
        [-nc4] : use netcdf4 with chunking and deflation for the output file
        [-o output_root] : specify the root of the output file name instead 
                    of cdfmoy_. Final name will have <freq> appened
                    to the root.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :  cdfmoy_output<freq>.nc
          variables :  same as variables in input file.
      SEE ALSO :
       cdfmoy, cdfmoy_weighted


  usage : cdfmoy_weighted list of files [-old5d ] [-month] [-leap] ...
       [-skip variable] [-nc4] [-o output file]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute weight average of files. The weight for each file is
        read from the iweight attribute. In particular, this attribute
        is set to the number of elements used when computing a time
        average (cdfmoy program). A primary application is thus for
        computing annual mean from monthly means.
        The list of files to be averaged, which are supposed to be of
        the same type and to contain the same variables. This list MUST
        be given before any options
      OPTIONS :
        [-old5d ] : This option is used to mimic/replace the cdfmoy_annual
                    which is no longer available. With this option, 12 monthly
                    files must be given, and it is assumed that the monthly
                    means were computed from 5d output of a simulation using
                    a noleap calendar ( weights are fixed, predetermined)
        [-month ] : This option is used to build annual mean from true month
                    output (1mo) in XIOS output for instance.
        [-leap ] : This option has only effect together with the -month option.
                   When used set 29 days in february
        [-skip variable ] : name of variable to skip 
        [ -nc4 ] : Use netcdf4 chunking and deflation in output file.
        [-o output file ] : Specify the name for output file instead of the
                  default name
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
        variables : same as in the input files


  usage : cdfmoyt list_of_model_files [-spval0]  
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the time average of a list of files given as arguments.
        This program handle multi time-frame files is such a way that
        the output files are also multi time-frame, each frame being
        the average across the files given in the list.
        The program assume that all files in the list are of same
        type (shape, variables , and number of time frames ). 
        For some variables, the program also compute the time average 
        of the squared variables, which is used in other cdftools 
        (cdfeke, cdfrmsssh, cdfstdevw, cdfstddevts ... The actual variables
        selected for squared average are :
          - vozocrtx
          - vomecrty
          - vovecrtz
          - sossheig
        This selection can be adapted with the nam_cdf_namelist process.
        (See cdfnamelist -i for details).
        If you want to compute the average of already averaged files,
        consider using cdfmoy_weighted instead, in order to take into
        account a particular weight for each file in the list.
        A list of similar model output files. 
      OPTIONS :
        [ -spval0 ] :  set missing_value attribute to 0 for all output
                variables and take care of the input missing_value.
                This option is usefull if missing_values differ from files 
                to files; it was formely done by cdfmoy_chsp).
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : and
        variables : are the same than in the input files. For squared averages
        _sqd is append to the original variable name.


  usage : cdfmoyuv CONFCASE [-zoom imin imax jmin jmax ] 'list of tags' 
      PURPOSE :
        Compute temporal mean fields for velocity components (u,v,w) and
        temperature (t), as well as second order moments ( u2, v2, t2, uv, ut,
        vt, wt).
         These fields are required in other cdftools which computes either 
         barotropic (cdfbti) or baroclinic (cdfbci) instabilities, and a global
         energy balance (cdfnrjcomp)
        CONFCASE : the root name for the data files. Grid files are assumed to
                   be gridT, gridU, gridV, gridW. ( grid_T, grid_U, grid_V and
                   grid_W are also supported.
        List_of_tags : The list of time tags corresponding to the time serie
                   whose mean is being computed.
      OPTIONS :
        [-zoom imin imax jmin jmax ] : limit the mean computation to the 
                   specified sub area.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables :  There are 11 variables produced by this program.
                  tbar, t2bar : mean t (Kelvin) and mean t^2 (K^2)   [T-point]
                  ubar, u2bar : mean u (m/s) and mean u^2 (m2/s2)    [U-point]
                  vbar, v2bar : mean v (m/s) and mean v^2 (m2/s2)    [V-point]
                  wbar        : mean w (m/s)                         [W-point]
                  uvbar       : mean product u . v (m2/s2)           [T-point]
                  utbar, vtbar, wtbar : mean product [uvw].t (m/s.K) [T-point]
      SEE ALSO :
       cdfbti, cdfbci and cdfnrjcomp


  usage : cdfmppini jpni jpnj [m/b/z] [-jperio jperio]
      PURPOSE :
        Perform the mpp initialisation with NEMO routine mpp_init2 and
        give some statistics about the domains. Save the layout on a 
        text file.
        jpni : number of domains in the i direction.
        jpnj : number of domains in the j direction.
      OPTIONS :
        [m/b/z] : use one of these letter to choose the land/sea mask.
                m  : take mask from (tmask) [ default ]
                b  : take mask from (Bathymetry)
                z  : take mask from (mbathy)
                    Default is m
        [-jperio jperio ] : specify jperio. 
                          default value is  6
        one of, or according to option
      OUTPUT : 
        - Standard output
        - ASCII file mppini.txt


  usage : cdfmxl T-file [S-file] [-nc4] [-o output file]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute 7 estimates of the mixed layer depth from temperature
        and salinity given in the input file, based on 3 different criteria:
        1- Density criterium (0.01 kg/m3 difference between surface and MLD)
        2- Density criterium (0.03 kg/m3 difference between surface and MLD)
        3- Temperature criterium (0.2 C absolute difference between surface 
           and MLD)
        4- Temperature criterium (0.2 C absolute difference between T at 10m 
           and MLD)
        5- Temperature criterium (0.5 C absolute difference between T at 10m 
           and MLD)
        6- Density criterium (0.03 kg/m3 difference between rho at 10m and MLD) 
        7- Density criterium (0.125 kg/m3 difference between rho at 10m and MLD)
        T-file   : input netcdf file (gridT)
        [S-file] : input netcdf file (gridS) Optional if vosaline not in T-file
      OPTIONS :
        [-nc4] : use netcdf4 chunking and deflation on output 
        [-o output file] : specify the name of output file instead of 
                 default name
          In case of FULL STEP configuration, is also required.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : somxl010    = mld on density criterium 0.01 ref. surf.
                      somxl030    = mld on density criterium 0.03 ref. surf.
                      somxlt02    = mld on temperature criterium -0.2 ref. surf.
                      somxlt02z10 = mld on temperature criterium -0.2 ref. 10m
                      somxlt05z10 = mld on temperature criterium -0.5 ref. 10m
                      somxl030z10 = mld on density criterium 0.03 ref. 10m
                      somxl125z10 = mld on density criterium 0.125 ref. 10m


  usage : cdfmxlhcsc T-file criteria value [hmin]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the mixed layer depth, the heat content and salt content.
        T-file : netcdf input file for temperature and salinity (gridT).
        criteria : one of temperature, t,  T for temperature criteria.
                   or density, d,  D  for density criteria.
        value  : value of the criteria (eg: 0.2 for temp, 0.01 or 0.03 for dens)
      OPTIONS :
        [ hmin ] : limit the vertical integral from hmin to mld. By default, 
                   hmin is set to 0 so that the integral is performed on the
                   whole mixed layer.
      REQUIRED FILES : and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : -  somxl010 (mld based on density criterium 0.01)
           (2D)          or somxl030 (mld on density criterium 0.03)
                         or somxlt02 (mld on temperature criterium -0.2)
                         -  somxlheatc (heat content computed in the MLD)
                         -  somxlsaltc (salt content computed in the MLD)
      SEE ALSO :
        cdfmxl, cdfmxlheatc and  cdfmxlsaltc.


  usage : cdfmxlheatc T-file [-full]
      PURPOSE :
        Computed the heat content in the mixed layer (Joules/m2).
        T-file : netcdf input file with temperature and mld (gridT).
      OPTIONS :
        [ -full ] : for full step configurations, default is partial step.
        [-o OUT-file ] : specify output file instead of
      REQUIRED FILES : and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : somxlheatc (Joules/m2)
      SEE ALSO :
        cdfmxl, cdfmxlhcsc and  cdfmxlsaltc.


  usage : cdfmxlsaltc T-file [-full ]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the salt content in the mixed layer.
        T-file : netcdf file with salinity and mixed layer deptht.
      OPTIONS :
        [-full ] : indicate a full step configuration.
        [-o OUT-file ] : specify output file instead of
      REQUIRED FILES : and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : somxlsaltc (kg/m2 )
      SEE ALSO :
        cdfmxl, cdfmxlhcsc, cdfmxlheatc 


  usage :  cdfnamelist [-i] [-p]
      PURPOSE :
        Give information [-i option] on the namelist mechanism implemented
        in CDFTOOLS v3. Write a namelist template [-p option ] to initialize
        the mechanism.
      OPTIONS :
        [ -i ] : print informations 
        [ -p ] : write a template namelist.
      OUTPUT : 
        with option -p, print a template namelist : PrintCdfNames.namlist


  usage : cdfnan list_of_model_output_files [-value replace] [-absmax rabsmax ] 
      PURPOSE :
        Detect NaN values in the input files, and change them to 
        either spval (missing_value) or the value given as option.
        Does the same for absolute values > huge(0.0)
        list of model output files. They must be of same type and have
        similar sizes. CAUTION : input files are rewritten !
      OPTIONS :
        [-value replace ] : use replace instead of missing_value for
                            changing NaN.
        [-absmax rabsmax ] : replace values whose absolute value is greater 
                            than rabsmax.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : input file is rewritten without NaN.
          variables : same name as input.


  usage : cdfnorth_unfold IN-file jatl jpacif pivot Cgrid_point
      PURPOSE :
        Unfold the Artic Ocean in an ORCA configuration. Produce a netcdf
        file with the Artic ocean as a whole. The area can be adjusted on
        both Atlantic and Pacific sides.
        IN-file     : netcdf file to be unfolded.
        jatl        : J index to start the unfold process in the Atlantic.
        jpacif      : J index to start the unfold process in the Pacific.
        pivot       : type of pivot for the north fold condition ( T or F )
        Cgrid_point : grid point where the variables in the input file are
                      located. If all variables in a single file are not on
                      the same C-grid location, there might be a problem ...
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : same name and units than in the input file.


  usage : cdfnrjcomp IN-file
      PURPOSE :
        Compute contributing terms of the energy equation at T-points.
        Input file contains mean values processed by cdfmoyuvwt.
        The means must have been computed on long enough period
        for the statistics to be meaningful
        IN-file   : netcdf file produced by cdfmoyuvwt.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          all variables are located at T point.
          variables : tbar : mean temperature 
                      ubar : mean zonal velocity
                      vbar : mean meridional velocity
                      anotsqrt : mean squared temperature anomaly
                      anousqrt : mean squared zonal velocity anomaly
                      anovsqrt : mean squared meridional velocity anomaly


  usage : cdfokubow U-file V-file U-var V-var lev
      PURPOSE :
        Compute Okubo-Weiss parameter of a vector field, at a specified level.
        If level is specified as 0, assume that the input files are
        forcing files, presumably on A-grid. In this latter case, the
        vector field is interpolated on the C-grid. In any case, the
        curl is computed on the F-point.
        U-file : zonal component of the vector field.
        V-file : meridional component of the vector field.
        U-var  : zonal component variable name
        V-var  : meridional component variable name.
        lev    : level to be processed. If set to 0, assume forcing file 
                 in input.
      REQUIRED FILES : and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : sokubow (s^-2)


 usage : cdfovide gridTfile gridUfile gridVfile 
      Files and must be in te current directory 
      Output on netcdf file


  usage :  cdfpendep TRC-file INV-file  ... 
                     ... [-inv inventory_name -trc trc_name ]
      PURPOSE :
         Compute the penetration depth for passive tracers. It is the
         ratio between the inventory and the surface concentration of
         the tracer.
        TRC-file : netcdf file with tracer concentration.
        INV-file : netcdf file with inventory of the tracer.
      OPTIONS :
        [-inv inventory_name ] : specify netcdf variable name for inventory.
                                 Default is INVCFC
        [-trc tracer_name ]    : specify netcdf variable name for tracer.
                                 Default is CFC11
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : pendep (m)


  usage : cdfpolymask POLY-file REF-file [ -r]
      PURPOSE :
        Create a maskfile with polymask variable having 1
        inside the polygon, and 0 outside. Option -r revert
        the behaviour (0 inside, 1 outside).
        POLY-file : input ASCII file describing a polyline in I J grid.
             This file is structured by block, one block corresponding 
             to a polygon:
               1rst line of the block gives a polygon name
               2nd line gives the number of vertices (nvert) and a dummy 0
               the block finishes  with nvert pairs of (I,J) describing 
               the polygon vertices.
        REF-file  : reference netcdf file for header of polymask file.
      OPTIONS :
         [ -r ] : revert option. When used, 0 is inside the polygon,
                  1 outside.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : polymask


  usage :  cdfprobe IN-file ilook jlook cdfvar [level]
      PURPOSE :
       Display a 2 columns output time (in days), value.
        IN-file : input file to look for
        ilook jlook : i,j position of the probe.
        cdfvar : name of the cdf variabled to be displayed
      OPTIONS :
        [level] : This optional last argument is used
                to specify a model level, instead of first.
      OUTPUT : 
        2 columns ( time , value ) ASCII output on display
        time are given in days since the begining of the run.


  usage : cdfprofile  I J IN-file IN-var [-dep depth ]
      PURPOSE :
        Extract a vertical profile at location I J, for a variable
        in an input file.
        I   J   : I, J position of the point to extract from file.
        IN-file : input file to work with.
        IN-var  : variable name whose profile is requested.
      OPTIONS :
        -dep depth : specify a depth where vertical value will be
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
           variable : name given as argument.
        Profile is also written on standard output.


  usage : cdfpsi U-file V-file [V] [-full ] [-mask ] [-mean] [-nc4 ] ...
           ... [-ssh T-file ] [-open ] [-ref iref jref ] [-o OUT-file]
      PURPOSE :
        Computes the barotropic stream function (a proxy ) as the integral of 
        the transport.
        U-file  : netcdf file of zonal velocity.
        V-file  : netcdf file of meridional velocity.
      OPTIONS :
        [V] : use V field instead of U field for integration.
        [ -full ] : indicates a full step case. Default is partial steps.
        [ -mask ] : mask output fields. Note that the land value is significant.
                    It correspond to the potential on this continent.
        [ -mean ] : save the average of the computations done with U and V.
        [ -nc4  ] : use netcdf4 output files with chunking and deflation
        [ -ssh T-file ] : compute the transport in the 'ssh' layer, using 
                   surface velocities. Take the ssh from T-file specified in 
                   this option. This is a experimental option, not certified ...
        [ -open ] : for open domain configuration. See also -ref to set 
                    reference point.
        [ -ref iref jref ] : Set the reference point in i,j coordinates.
                    BSF at reference point is arbitrarly set to zero.
        [ -o  OUT-file ] : specify output file name instead of default
      REQUIRED FILES : and is required only if -mask option used.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : sobarstf (m3/s )
        If option -ssh is used, 2 additional variables are added to the file :
                      sobarstfssh (m3/s ) : contribution of SSH
                      sobarstftotal (m3/s ) : total BSF


  Usage : cdfpsi_level  Ufile Vfile <V> (optional argument)
  Computes the barotropic stream function as the integral of the transport
  Files, , must be in te current directory
  Output on, variables sobarstf on f-points
  Default works well for a global ORCA grid. use V 3rdargument for North Atlanti


  usage : cdfpvor T-file  U-file V-file [-full] [-lspv ] [-nc4] [-o output file]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the Ertel potential vorticity and save the relative  
        vorticity, the stretching and the total potential vorticity. 
        Qtot = ( f + xsi ) . D(rho)/D(z)  = Qstrech + Qrel           
        With -lspv option, compute only Qstretch or Large Scale P V 
        T-file : netcdf file for temperature and salinity.           
        U-file : netcdf file for zonal component of the velocity.    
        V-file : netcdf file for meridional component of the velocity.
      OPTIONS :
        [-full ] : indicate a full step configuration.                
        [-lspv ] : calculate only the large scale potential vorticity.
                   ( replace the old cdflspv tool).
                   If used only T-file is required, no need for velocities.
        [-nc4 ] :  use netcdf4 with chunking and deflation 
        [-o output file ] : use output file instead of default
      REQUIRED FILES : and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : vorelvor (1.e-7 kg.m-4.s-1 ) relative vorticity
                      vostrvor (1.e-7 kg.m-4.s-1 ) stretching vorticity
                      vototvor (1.e-7 kg.m-4.s-1 ) total potential vorticity
                   Ertel PV are located at T points.
        With option -lspv :
        netcdf file :
          variables :  volspv  (1.e-7 kg.m-4.s-1 ) large scale potential vortici
                   LSPV is  located at W points.
      SEE ALSO :
        cdfcurl ( compute only the curl on 1 level)


  usage : cdfrhoproj IN-var RHO-file List_of_IN-files [VAR-type] [-debug ]... 
        ... [-isodep] [-s0 sig0 | -s0 sigmin,sigstp,nbins ] [-sig sigma_name]..
        ... [-noiso]
      PURPOSE :
        Project IN-var on isopycnal surfaces. The isosurfaces can be defined in
        many ways : (1) In a pre-defined ASCII file named rho_levsee format
        below.  (2) using -s0 option.
        IN-var will be interpolated on the T point of the C-grid, previous
        to projection on isopycnal.
        WARNING: This cdftool is one of the few using 3D arrays. Further 
        development is required to work with vertical slabs instead.
        IN-var   : name of the input variable to be projected
        RHO-file : netcdf file with potential density field. If not a sigma0
                   file, use -sig option to indicate the name of the density
        List_of_IN-file  : netcdf files with IN-var 
      OPTIONS :
        [-s0 sigma  | -s0 sigmin,sigstp,nbins ]  : In the first form define a 
                     single sigma surface on the command line, while in the 2nd
                     form, it uses the same numbers than cdfmocsig to define
                     equally spaced (sigstp) density surfaces, starting from 
                     sigmin and up to sigmin + (nbins)*sigstp
                     This option prevails the use of rho_lev file.
        [VAR-type] : position of IN-var on the C-grid ( either T U V F W S )
                     default is 'T'. 
                     S is used in case of section files (cdf_xtract_brokenline).
        [-sig sigma_name] : name of the density variable in RHO_file.
                     default is vosigma0
        [-isodep ] : only compute the isopycnal depth. then stop. In this case
                     you must still specify a IN-var variable (in fact a dummy
        [-noiso]   : do not save isopycnal depth (suitable for big files).
        [-debug]   : produce extra prints. Must be use before other options ..
        no metrics, information is taken from depth variable in input files.
        rho_lev if not using -s0 option.
        rho_lev is an ascii file, first line giving the number of isopycnal
                            following lines with isopycnal value, 1 per line.
      OUTPUT : 
        There are as many output files as input files.
        netcdf file : IN-file.interp
          variables : VAR-in (unit is the same as input var)
                      vodepiso (m) : depth of isopycnal.
        If option -isodep is used, only isopycnal depth is output :
        netcdf file :
          variables : vodepiso (m) 
      SEE ALSO :
        replace cdfisopycdep when using -isodep option,  cdfmocsig


  usage : cdfrichardson  gridT gridU gridV [ W ] [-full]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the Richardson Number (Ri) according to
        temperature, salinity and velocity components
        given in the input files.
        gridT : input gridT file for temperature and salinity
        gridU : input gridU file for zonal velocity component
        gridV : input gridV file for meridional velocity component
      OPTIONS :
        [ W ] : keep N2 at W points. Default is to interpolate N2
              at T point on the vertical
        [ -full ] : indicate a full step configuration instead of
                 the default partial steps.
      REQUIRED FILES : is needed for this program.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
        variables : voric


  usage : cdfrmsssh T-file T2-file [-nc4] [-o outputfile]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the standard deviation of the SSH from its
        mean value and its mean square value. 
        Note that what is computed in this program is stictly the
        standard deviation. It is very often called RMS, which is
        an abuse. It is the same only in the case of zero mean value.
        However, for historical reason, the name of this tool, remains
        unchanged: cdfrmsssh
        T-file  : netcdf file with mean values for SSH
        T2-file : netcdf file with mean squared values for SSH
      OPTIONS :
        [-nc4] : use netcdf4 with chunking and deflation 
        [-o output file ] : specify the name of the output file instead
                           of default name
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : sossheig_rms, same unit than the input.
      SEA ALSO :
        cdfstd, cdfstdevw, cdfstdevts.


  usage : cdfscale INOUT-file IN-var scale 
      PURPOSE :
        Replace IN-var in INOUT-file by its values x scale.
        INOUT-file : netcdf input file (!overwritten!).
        IN-var : netcdf variable to be scaled.
        scale : Scale value to be used (multiplication factor).
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : input file is rewritten 
          variables : same name as input.


 Usage : 
  cdfsections  Ufile Vfile Tfile larf lorf Nsec lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2 n1
               [ lat3 lon3 n2 ] [ lat4 lon4 n3 ] ....
  Computes temperature, salinity, sig0, sig1, sig2, sig4, Uorth, Utang 
  along a section made of Nsec linear segments (see output attributes).
  Output is, var. as a function of X(km), depth(m) and time.
 Arguments : 
  # larf and lorf -> location of X=0 for the X-absice (may be out of section)
  # Nsec -> number of segments used to compute the whole section.
  # lat1,lat2,lat3,... -> extrema latitudes of the segments (from -90 to 90)
  # lon1,lon2,lon3,... -> extrema latitudes of the segments (from 0 to 360)
  # n1, n2, ...        -> number of output points on each segment.
    (you have to give Nsec+1 values of lati/loni and Nsec values of ni)
  It is recommended to put a lot of points on each section if the aim
  is to compute X-integrations along the section (10 x the model resolution).
 NB : sections cannot cross the Greenwich line !!
 NB : Not yet tested north of 60N.
 NB : require a large amount of memory !
      -> reduce domain size with  ncks -d  if insufficient memory error.
 Example for one linear section : 
  cdfsections 48.0 305.0 1 49.0 307.0 50.5 337.5 20
 Example for a section made of 2 linear segments : 
  cdfsections 48.0 305.0 2 49.0 307.0 50.5 337.5 20 40.3 305.1 50


  usage : cdfsig0 -t T-file [-sal SAL-name] [-tem TEM-name] [-nc4] [-o OUT-file]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute potential density (sigma-0) refered to the surface.
        -t T-file  : netcdf file with temperature and salinity.
          (for backward compatibility, -t can be ommited when T-file is the only
      OPTIONS :
        [-sal SAL-name]  : name of salinity variable
        [-tem TEM-name]  : name of temperature variable
        [-nc4]  : enable chunking and compression
        [-o OUT-file]    : specify output filename instead of
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : vosigma0 ( kg/m3 - 1000 )
      SEE ALSO :


  usage : cdfsigi T-file Ref-dep(m) 
      PURPOSE :
        Compute potential density refered to the depth given in arguments.
        T-file : netcdf file with temperature and salinity
        Ref-dep : reference depth in meter.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : vosigmai (kg/m3 -1000 )
      SEE ALSO :


  usage : cdfsiginsitu -t T-file [-sal SAL-name] [-tem TEM-name ] ...
                 [-dep depth] [-o OUT-file ] [-nc4 ] 
      PURPOSE :
        Compute in situ density from temperature and salinity.
        Depths are taken from input file.
        -t T-file : netcdf file with temperature and salinity.
          (for backward compatibility, -t can be ommited when T-file is the only
      OPTIONS :
        [-sal SAL-name] : name of salinity variable
        [-tem TEM-name] : name of temperature variable
        [-dep depth ]   : depth to be used in case of 2D input file (only)
        [-nc4]          : enable chunking and compression
        [-o OUT-file]   : specify output filename instead of
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : siginsitu.ncor the file name specified 
                    with -o option
          variables : vosigmainsitu (kg/m3 -1000 )
      SEE ALSO :
       cdfsig0, cdfsigi 


  usage : cdfsigintegr IN-var RHO-file list_of_files [ VAR-type ] ...
               ... [ -sig sigma_name] [ -full ] 
      PURPOSE :
        Take a list of input files with specific IN-var variable, associated
        with a reference density file. A set of isopycnal surfaces is defined
        in an ASCII file (rho_lev by default), using same depth reference than
        the input reference density file. This program computes the integral of
        IN-var between the isopycnals defined in rho_lev. It also gives the 
        isopycnal depth and thickness of density layers.
        Rho_lev file first line indicates the number of following isopycnals.
        Then a list of the densities is given, one per line.
        IN-var : input variable to be integrated
        RHO-file : netcdf file with already computed density
        list_of_files : a list of model netcdf files containing IN-var.
      OPTIONS :
        [ VAR-type ] : one of T U V F W which defined the position on
                IN-var in the model C-grid. Default is T
        [ -sig sigma_name ] : give the name of sigma variable in RHO-file.
                Default is vosigma0
        [ -full ] : indicate a full step configuration.
        [ -rholev  file] : indicates name of file defining the limits for 
                integration. Default is rho_lev
      REQUIRED FILES : and rho_lev
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : IN-file.integr
          variables : inv_IN-var  : inventory of IN-var from input file.
                      vodepiso (m) : depth of isopycnal.
                      isothick (m) : thickness of isopycnal layer.
                      mean_IN-var (same unit as IN-var) : mean IN-var in the iso
      SEE ALSO :
       cdfrhoproj, cdfsigtrp, cdfisopycdep


  usage : cdfsigntr T-file
      PURPOSE :
        Compute neutral volumic mass (kg/m3) from temperature and salinity.
        T-file  : netcdf file with temperature and salinity.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : vosigntr ( kg/m3 )
      SEE ALSO :
        cdfsig0, cdfsigi, cdfsiginsitu


  usage :  cdfsigtrp T-file U-file V-file sigma_min sigma_max nbins ...
               ... [-print ] [-bimg ] [-full ] [ -refdep ref_depth] ...
               ... [-neutral ] [-section file ] [-temp ]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute density class transports, according to the density class
        definition ( minimum, maximum and number of bins) given in arguments.
        Section position are given in dens_section.dat, an ASCII file 
        with pairs of lines giving section name and section location as
        imin imax jmin jmax. Only zonal or meridional section are allowed.
        The name of this file can be specified with the -section option, if
        it differs from the standard name. Optionaly, a netcdf root variable 
        name and a netcdf root long-name can be provided on the line giving 
        the section name.
        This program can also be used to compute transport by class of 
        temperatures, provided the temperatures decrease monotonically 
        downward. In this case, use -temp option and of course specify
        sigma_min, sigma_max as temperatures.
        T-file : netcdf file with temperature and salinity
        U-file : netcdf file with zonal velocity component
        V-file : netcdf file with meridional velocity component
        sigma_min : minimum density for binning
        sigma_max : maximum density for binning
        nbins : number of bins. This will fix the bin 'width' 
      OPTIONS :
        [ -full ] : for full step configuration
        [ -bimg ] : produce extra bimg output file which shows the details
                of the sections (normal velocity, density, temperature, 
                salinity, transports, isopycnal depths. (to be change to 
                netcdf files for more common use.
        [ -ncdf ] : produce extra netcdf output file which shows the details
                of the sections (normal velocity, density, temperature, 
                salinity, transports, isopycnal depths. 
        [ -print ]: write the binned transports on standard output, for each
        [ -refdep ref_depth ]: give a reference depths for the computation of
                potential density. Sigma_min, sigma_max must be adapted 
        [ -neutral ]: use neutral density instead of potential density 
        [ -section file] : give the name of section file.
                Default is dens_section.dat
        [ -temp ] : use temperature instead of density for binning
      REQUIRED FILES :, and dens_section.dat
      OUTPUT : 
        Netcdf file : There is 1 netcdf file per section. File name is build
          from section name :
          variables : sigma_class (upper limit of the bin)
                      sigtrp : transport (Sv per bin)
        ascii file  : trpsig.txt
        bimg  file  :  There are 2 bimg files whose name is build from section
          name : section_name_trpdep.bimg and section_name_trpsig.bimg.
          This file is written only if -bimg option is used.
       Standard output : the results are written on standard output only if 
          the -print option is used.
      SEE ALSO :
       cdfrhoproj, cdftransport, cdfsigintegr 


  usage :  cdfsigtrp_broken TSV-file sigma_min sigma_max nbins ...
               ... [-print ] [-bimg ] [-full ] [ -refdep ref_depth] ...
               ... [-neutral ] [-section file ] [-temp ]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute density class transports, according to the density class
        definition ( minimum, maximum and number of bins) given in arguments.
        Section position are given in dens_section.dat, an ASCII file 
        with pairs of lines giving section name and section location as
        imin imax jmin jmax. Only zonal or meridional section are allowed.
        The name of this file can be specified with the -section option, if
        it differs from the standard name. Optionaly, a netcdf root variable 
        name and a netcdf root long-name can be provided on the line giving 
        the section name.
        In this particular tool, the section used is the result of 
        cdf_xtrac_brokenline. In this way, it is possible to calculate the
        transport of density class in oblicous sections (non dependance on 
        zonal or meridional).
        This program can also be used to compute transport by class of 
        temperatures, provided the temperatures decrease monotonically 
        downward. In this case, use -temp option and of course specify
        sigma_min, sigma_max as temperatures.
        TSV-file : netcdf_broken_line file with temperature, salinity
        and the normal velocity through the section
        sigma_min : minimum density for binning
        sigma_max : maximum density for binning
        nbins : number of bins. This will fix the bin 'width' 
      OPTIONS :
        [ -full ] : for full step configuration
        [ -bimg ] : produce extra bimg output file which shows the details
                of the sections (normal velocity, density, temperature, 
                salinity, transports, isopycnal depths. (to be change to 
                netcdf files for more common use.
        [ -ncdf ] : produce extra netcdf output file which shows the details
                of the sections (normal velocity, density, temperature, 
                salinity, transports, isopycnal depths. 
        [ -print ]: write the binned transports on standard output, for each
        [ -refdep ref_depth ]: give a reference depths for the computation of
                potential density. Sigma_min, sigma_max must be adapted 
        [ -neutral ]: use neutral density instead of potential density 
        [ -section file] : give the name of section file.
                Default is dens_section.dat
        [ -temp ] : use temperature instead of density for binning
      REQUIRED FILES : and dens_section.dat
      OUTPUT : 
        Netcdf file : There is 1 netcdf file per section. File name is build
          from section name :
          variables : sigma_class (upper limit of the bin)
                      sigtrp : transport (Sv per bin)
        ascii file  : trpsig.txt
        bimg  file  :  There are 2 bimg files whose name is build from section
          name : section_name_trpdep.bimg and section_name_trpsig.bimg.
          This file is written only if -bimg option is used.
       Standard output : the results are written on standard output only if 
          the -print option is used.
      SEE ALSO :
       cdfrhoproj, cdftransport, cdfsigintegr, cdfsigtrp, cdf_xtrac_brokenline 


  usage : cdfsmooth -f IN-file -c ncut [-t filter_type] [ -k level_list ] ...
        [-a anisotripoc ratio ] [-nc4 ] 
      PURPOSE :
        Perform a spatial smoothing on the file using a particular
        filter as specified in the option. Available filters
        are : Lanczos, Hanning, Shapiro, Box car average. Default
        is Lanczos filter.
        -f  IN-file  : input data file. All variables will be filtered
        -c  ncut     : number of grid step to be filtered, or number
                     of iteration of the Shapiro filter.
      OPTIONS :
        -t filter_type : Lanczos      , L, l  (default)
                         Hanning      , H, h
                         Shapiro      , S, s
                         Box          , B, b
        -a aniso       : anisotropic ratio for Box car 
        -k level_list  : levels to be filtered (default = all levels)
                level_list is a comma-separated list of levels.
                   the syntax 1-3,6,9-12 will select 1 2 3 6 9 10 11 12
        -nc4 : produce netcdf4 output file with chunking and deflation.
      OUTPUT : 
        Output file name is build from input file name with indication
        of the filter type (1 letter) and of ncut.
        netcdf file :   IN-file[LHSB]ncut
          variables : same as input variables.


  usage : cdfspeed  U-file V-file U-var V-var [-t T-file] ...
             ... [-nc4] [-o OUT-file ] [-lev level_list]
     PURPOSE :
        Computes the speed of ocean currents or wind speed
        If the input files are 3D, the input is assumed to be 
        a model output on native C-grid. Speed is computed on the A-grid.
        If the input file is 2D and then we assume that this is 
        a forcing file already on the A-grid.
        U-file : netcdf file for U component
        V-file : netcdf file for V component
        U-var  : netcdf variable name for U component
        V-var  : netcdf variable name for V component
     OPTIONS :
        -t T-file  : indicate any file on gridT for correct header
                  of the output file (usefull for 3D files)
        -lev level_list  : indicate a list of levels to be processed
                  If not used, all levels are processed.
                  This option should be the last on the command line
        -nc4 : use netcdf4 output with chunking and deflation
        -o OUT-file : use specified output file instead of
     OUTPUT :
        Output on  variable U 


  usage : cdfspice -t T-file [-sal SAL-name] [-tem TEM-name] ...
         ... [-nc4] [-o OUT-file]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the spiceness corresponding to temperatures and salinities
        given in the input file.
        spiciness = sum(i=0,5)[sum(j=0,4)[b(i,j)*theta^i*(s-35)^j]]
                  with:  b     -> coefficients
                         theta -> potential temperature
                         s     -> salinity
        -t T-file : netcdf file with temperature and salinity (gridT)
            Single argument T-file can also be used, for backward compatibility
      OPTIONS :
        [-sal SAL-name]  : name of salinity variable
        [-tem TEM-name]  : name of temperature variable
        [-nc4]  : enable chunking and compression
        [-o OUT-file]    : specify output filename instead of
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : vospice
        Flament (2002) "A state variable for characterizing 
              water masses and their diffusive stability: spiciness."
              Progress in Oceanography Volume 54, 2002, Pages 493-501.


  Usage : cdfflxconv YEAR config 
     Output 6 cdf files : for emp, qnet, qsr, sst, taux, tauy with standard var 
 name :
         sowaflup, sohefldo, soshfldo, sst, sozotaux, sometauy 
     coordinates.diags ( clipper like) is required in current dir 


  usage : cdfstatcoord COOR-file MSK-file [ MSK-var ]
      PURPOSE :
        Computes and displays statistics about grid metrics vs latitude.
        Bins e1 and e2 by latitude bins, and compute the mean of each bin.
        COOR-file : coordinates file with e1 e2 metrics
        MSK-file  : mask file 
      OPTIONS :
        [MSK-var] : mask variable name. Default is tmask
        none apart those requested on command line.
      OUTPUT : 
        Standard output


  usage : cdfstats IN-file REF-file ncy [VAR-name1 [VAR-name2]] ...
                 [-m mesh_mask file ]
      PURPOSE :
             This tool computes some statistics (rms, correlation, 
          signal/noise ratio and signal ratio [ratio of std 
          deviation]) between to files. In this tool, the files
          are supposed to hold monthly averages values, for many 
          years. Specifying ncy=12, allows to remove the seasonal
          cycle of the data.
             This program was initially written for SSH statistics
          between model output and AVISO files (default variable
          names are sossheig for this reason ). It can
          now be used with any variables.
         IN-file  : First data file ( usually model output) 
         REF-file : Second data file ( usually observation file) 
         ncy      : 1 or 12. If set to 12, annual cycle is removed 
                    from the data 
         [VAR-name1 [VAR-name2]] : If variable names of input files
                  are not sossheig they can be specified
                  on the command line. If only one name is given, it is
                  assumed that both file use same variable name.
      OPTIONS :
         -m mesh_mask file : specify a mesh_mask file holding the tmaskutil
                  and the horizontal metrics. If this option is not used,
                  mask are taken in and horizontal metric
                  is taken in
      REQUIRED FILES : and
            or mesh_mask file specified in -m option
      OUTPUT : 
         netcdf file :
          variables are : 
                rms    : RMS between the input files
                correl : CORREL between the input files
                rrat   : Signal to noise ratio 
                srat   : Signal ratio (stdev ratio) 


  usage : cdfstd [-save] [-spval0] [-nomissincl] [-stdopt] list_of files 
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the standard deviation of the variables belonging to a set of
        files given as arguments.  This computation is direct and does not 
        required a pre-processing with any of the cdfmoy tools.
        List on netcdf files of the same type, forming a time-series
      OPTIONS :
        [ -save ] : Save the mean value of the field, in addition to the 
            std deviation. If used must be appear before list of files.
        [ -spval0 ] :  set missing_value attribute to 0 for all output
            variables and take care of the input missing_value.
            This option is usefull if missing_values differ from files 
            to files.
            If used it should be called  before the list of input files.
        [-nomissincl ] : with this option, the output std and mean are set to
            missing value at any gridpoint where the variable contains a 
            missing value for at least one timestep. You should combine 
            with -spval0 if missing values are not 0 in all the input files.
            If used it should be called  before the list of input files.
        [ -stdopt ]:  use a  more optimal algorithm to compute std
            and std is unbiased.  If used it should be called  before
             the list of input files.
      OUTPUT : 
        - netcdf file :
            variables :  IN-var_std, same units than input variables.
        - netcdf file : in case of -save option.
            variables :  IN-var, same units than input variables.
      SEE ALSO :
         cdfmoy, cdfrmsssh, cdfstdevw


  usage : cdfstdevts T-file T2-file 
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the standard deviation of the temperature
        and salinity from their mean and  mean square values. 
        T-file  : netcdf file with mean values for T, S
        T2-file : netcdf file with mean squared values for T,S
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : votemper_stdev, same unit than the input.
                      vosaline_stdev, same unit than the input.
      SEA ALSO :
        cdfstd, cdfrmsssh, cdfstdevw.


  usage : cdfstdevw W-file W2-file [varname] [-o output_file] [-nc4 ]
      PURPOSE :
        Computes the standard deviation of the vertical velocity
        from its mean value and its mean square value. If a variable name 
        is given, then computes rms of this variable instead of the vertical 
        Note that what is computed in this program is stictly the
        standard deviation. It is very often called RMS, which is
        an abuse. It is the same only in the case of zero mean value.
        W-file  : netcdf file with mean values for w ( or given variable)
        W2-file : netcdf file with mean squared values for w (or given variable)
         varname : give name of variable if not vovecrtz
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : (if varname specified, output file is
          variables : vovecrtz_rms, (or varname_rms)  same unit than the input.
      SEA ALSO :
        cdfstd, cdfrmsssh, cdfstdevts.


  Usage : cdfstrconv YEAR config 
     Output 6 cdf files : for emp, qnet, qsr, sst, taux, tauy with standard var 
 name :
         sowaflup, sohefldo, soshfldo, sst, sozotaux, sometauy 
     coordinates.diags ( clipper like) is required in current dir 


  usage : cdfsum IN-file IN-var T| U | V | F | W  ... 
              ... [imin imax jmin jmax kmin kmax] [-full ] 
      PURPOSE :
        Computes the sum value of the field (3D, weighted)
        This sum can be optionally limited to a sub-area.
        IN-file : netcdf input file.
        IN-var  : netcdf variable to work with.
        T| U | V | F | W : C-grid point where IN-var is located.
      OPTIONS :
        [imin imax jmin jmax kmin kmax] : limit of the sub area to work with.
               if imin=0 all i are taken
               if jmin=0 all j are taken
               if kmin=0 all k are taken
      REQUIRED FILES :, and
      OUTPUT : 
        Standard output.
        netcdf file : with 2 variables : vertical profile of sum
                      and 3D sum.


 Usage : cdftempvol-full  gridTfile  imin, imax, jmin, jmax temp_max temp_min nbins [options]
            imin, imax, jmin, jmax : horizontal limit of the box
            temp_max, temp_min : limit for temperature bining 
                           nbins : number of bins to use 
     Possible options :
         -print :additional output is send to std output
         -bimg : 2D (x=lat/lon, y=temp) output on bimg file for hiso, cumul trp, trp
 Files, must be in the current directory
 Output on voltemp.txt


  usage : cdftransport [-test  u v ] [-noheat ] [-plus_minus ] [-obc]...
                   ... [VT-file] U-file V-file [-full] |-time jt] ...
                   ... [-time jt ] [-zlimit limits of level]
     PURPOSE :
       Compute the transports accross a section.
       The name of the section and the imin, imax, jmin, jmax for the section 
       is read from the standard input. To finish the program use the key name
       'EOF' for the section name.
       OBC U,V files can be used if -obc option is specified.
       [VT-file ] : netcdf file with mean values of vt, vs, ut, us for heat and
                    salt transport. If options -noheat or -plus_minus are used
                    this file name must be omitted.
       [U-file ] : netcdf file with the zonal velocity component.
       [V-file ] : netcdf file with the meridional velocity component.
      OPTIONS :
       [-test u v ]: use constant the u and v velocity components for sign 
                     test purpose.
       [-noheat ]  : use when heat and salt transport are not requested.
                     This option must come before the file names, and if used
                     VT file must not be given.
       [ -plus_minus or -pm ] : separate positive and negative contribution to
                     the volume transport. This option implicitly set -noheat,
                     and must be used before the file names.
       [-obc ]    : indicates that input files are obc files (vertical slices)
                     Take care that for this case, mesh files must be adapted.
                     This option implicitly set -noheat, and must be used before
                     the file names.
       [-full ]   :  use for full step configurations.
       [-time jt ]:  compute transports for time index jt. Default is 1.
       [-zlimit list of depth] : Specify depths limits defining layers where the
                     transports will be computed. If not used, the transports 
                     are computed for the whole water column. If used, this 
                     option must be the last on the command line.
       Files, must be in the current directory.
      OUTPUT : 
       - Standard output 
       - ASCII file reflecting the standard output: section_trp.dat
       - ASCII files for volume, heat and salt transport: vtrp.txt, htrp.txt 
           and strp.txt.
       - Netcdf files for each section. name of the file is buildt
           from section name.
      SEE ALSO :


  usage : cdfuv CONFIG-CASE 'list_of_tags' 
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the time average values for U.V  product, at T point.
        Mean U and V values at T points, and mean U'.V' product are 
        saved as well.
        CONFIG-CASE is the config name of a given experiment (eg ORCA025-G70)
             The program will look for gridU and gridV files for
             this config (grid_U and grid_V are also accepted).
        list_of_tags : a list of time tags that will be used for time
             averaging. e.g. y2000m01d05 y2000m01d10 ...
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
        variables : vouv  : Mean U.V at T point
                    vozocrtx_t : Mean U at T point
                    vomecrty_t : Mean V at T point
                    vouv_prime : Mean U'.V' at T point


  usage : cdfvFWov V-secfile S-secfile ZGR-secfile HGR-secfile MSK-secfile
      PURPOSE :
         Compute the fresh water transport and its overturning component through
         a section specified by the input files (data and metrics).
         All arguments are 'section files', which are assumed to be files with
         2 zonal lines of data ( j and j+1 ): 
          - V_secfile : meridional velocity section file.
          - S_secfile : salinity section file.
          - ZGR_secfile : mesh_zgr section file 
          - HGR_secfile : mesh_hgr section file 
          - MSK_secfile : mask section file 
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
        variables : netvFW, totvFW, ovFW
        Output file only has time relevant dimension. Other dims are set to 1.
        Degenerated dimensions can be removed with :
            ncwga -a x,y,depthw -o


  usage : cdfvT CONFIG-CASE [-o output_file ] [-nc4 ] 'list_of_tags' 
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the time average values for second order products 
        V.T, V.S, U.T and U.S used in heat and salt transport computation.
        CONFIG-CASE is the config name of a given experiment (eg ORCA025-G70)
             The program will look for gridT, gridU and gridV files for
             this config ( grid_T, grid_U and grid_V are also accepted).
             Additionaly, if gridS or grid_S file is found, it will be taken
             in place of gridT for the salinity variable.
        [-nc4 ] use netcdf4 output with chunking and deflation 1
        [-o output file ] default  must be before tag list
        list_of_tags : a list of time tags that will be used for time
             averaging. e.g. y2000m01d05 y2000m01d10 ...
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
        variables : vozout, vozous, vomevt and vomevs


  usage : cdfbathy/cdfvar -f IN-file [options]
      PURPOSE :
        Allow manual modification of the input file. Very convenient
        for bathymetric files, can also be used with any model file
        Keep a log.f90 file of the modifications for automatic reprocessing
        IN-file : original input file. The program works on a copy of the
                 original file (default)
      OPTIONS :
        -file (or -f )       : name of input file 
        -var  (or -v )       : name of cdf variable [default: Bathymetry]
        -lev  (or -l )       : level to work with 
        -time (or -t )       : time to work with 
        -scale  s            : use s as a scale factor (divide when read the file)
        -zoom (or -z )       : sub area of the bathy file to work with (imin imax jmin jmax)
        -fillzone (or -fz )  : sub area will be filled with 0 up to the first coast line 
        -fillpool (or -fp ) [ icrit ] : the whole file is check and fill all the pool smaller than (icrit) cell by 0
        -raz_zone (or -raz ) : sub area will be filled with 0 up 
        -raz_below depmin    : any depth less than depmin in subarea will be replaced by 0 
           (or -rb depmin )  
        -set_below depmin    : any depth less than depmin in subarea will be replaced by depmin 
           (or -sb depmin ) 
        -fullstep depmin     : sub area will be reshaped as full-step, below depmin
           (or -fs depmin )    requires the presence of the file zgr_bat.txt (from ocean.output, eg )
        -dumpzone (or -d )   : sub area will be output to an ascii file, which can be used by -replace
                               after manual editing 
        -nicedumpzone        : sub area will be output to an ascii file (nice output)
                 (or -nd )
        -replace (or -r )    : sub area defined by the file will replace the original bathy
        -append (or -a )     : fortran log file (log.f90) will be append with actual modif
                               Standard behaviour is to overwrite/create log file
        -overwrite (or -o )  : input bathy file will be used as output.
                               Standard behaviour is to use a work copy of the original file
                               (indexed from 01 to 99 if necessary ) 
        -log logfile         : log file for change (default is log.f90) 
      OUTPUT : 
           netcdf file : according to used options, if the original file is to be modified
                  a sequence number is added at the end of the input file name, to keep
             variables : same as input file


  usage :  cdfvertmean [-debug] IN-file IN-var1,var2,.. v-type dep1 dep2 [-full]
               ... [-o OUT-file ]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the vertical mean between dep1 and dep2 given in m,
        for variable IN-var in the input file.
        IN-file  : netcdf input file.
        IN-var1,var2,.. : Comma separated list of input variables to process.
        v-type   : one of T U V W indicating position of variable on C-grid
        dep1 dep2 : depths limit for vertical integration (meters), from top 
                 to bottom, positive depths.
      OPTIONS :
        [-full  ] : for full step configurations. Default is partial step.
        [-debug ] : print some extra informations.
        [-o OUT-file ] : specify output file instead of
      REQUIRED FILES : and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : varin_vertmean (same units as input variable)


  usage : cdfvhst  VTfile [-full ]
      PURPOSE :
          Computes the vertically integrated heat and salt transports 
          at each grid cell.
          VTfile : file which contains UT, VT, US, VS quantities
               (produced by cdfvT.f90)
      OPTIONS :
          [ -full ] : use full step computation (default is partial steps).
      OUTPUT : 
          Netcdf file :
          Variables : somevt, somevs, sozout and  sozous


  usage : cdfvint T-file [IN-var] [-GSOP] [-OCCI] [-full] [-nc4] [-o OUT-file]
                  [-tmean] [-smean]
      PURPOSE :
           Compute the vertical integral of the variable from top 
        to bottom, and save the cumulated valued, level by level.
        For temperature (default var), the integral is transformed
        to Heat Content ( 10^6 J/m2) hence for salinity, the integral
        represents PSU.m 
          T-file : gridT file holding either temperature or salinity 
         [IN-var ] : name of input variable to process. Default is 
                votemper. Can also be vosaline
      OPTIONS :
         -GSOP : Use 7 GSOP standard level for the output 
                 Default is to take the model levels for the output
         -OCCI : Use 3 levels for the output: 700m, 2000m and bottom
                 Default is to take the model levels for the output
         -full : for full step computation 
         -nc4  : use netcdf4 output with chunking and deflation
         -tmean : output mean temperature instead of heat content
         -smean : output mean salinity instead of PSU.m
         -o OUT-file : use specified output file instead of <IN-var>.nc
      REQUIRED FILES :, and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : (or specified with -o option)
          variables :  either voheatc or vohsalt, unless -tmean or -smean used
                In this latter case, variables are votemper and 
      SEE ALSO :
         cdfvertmean, cdfheatc, cdfmxlhcsc and  cdfmxlheatc


  usage : cdfvita U-file V_file T-file [-w W-file] [-geo ] [-cubic] [-nc4] ...
                  ... [-o OUT-file] [-lev level_list]
      PURPOSE :
        Create a file with velocity components, module  and direction
        at T points from file on C-grid. T-file is used only for
        getting the header of the output file. Any file on T grid
        can be used.
        U-file  : netcdf file with zonal component of velocity
        V-file  : netcdf file with meridional component of velocity
        T-file  : netcdf file with T points header OK.
      OPTIONS :
        [ -w W-file ] : if used, also compute vertical velocities at
                        T points.
        [ -geo ]     : indicate that input velocity files are produced 
                       by cdfgeo-uv, hence ugeo on V-point, vgeo on U-points
                       ( U-file and V_file are the same !)
        [ -cubic ]   : Save the cube of the veocity module 
        [ -nc4 ]     : Use netcdf4 output with chunking and deflation level 1
                  This option is effective only if cdftools are compiled with
                  a netcdf library supporting chunking and deflation.
        [ -o OUT-file ] : Specify name of output file instead of
        [ -lev level_list] : specify a list of level to be used 
                    (default option is to use all input levels).
                    This option MUST be the last on the command line !!
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : unless -o option is used
          variables : sovitua, sovitva, sovitmod, sovitdir, [sovitmod3], [sovitw


  usage : cdfvita-geo  Ugeo-file Vgeo_file T-file [-w W-file] [-lev level_list]
      PURPOSE :
        Create a file with velocity components and module computed
        at T points from file on C-grid. T-file is used only for
        getting the header of the output file. Any file on T grid
        can be used.
        Ugeo-file  : netcdf file with zonal component of velocity
        Vgeo-file  : netcdf file with meridional component of velocity
        T-file  : netcdf file with T points header OK.
      OPTIONS :
        [ -w W-file ] : if used, also compute vertical velocities at
                        T points.
        [ -lev level_list] : specify a list of level to be used 
                    (default option is to use all input levels).
                    This option MUST be the last on the command line !!
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : sovitua, sovitva, sovitmod, [sovitwa]


  usage : cdfvsig CONFIG  [-no-w] [-no-sig]  [-no-uv] [-T ] [-pref pref1,pref2,.
         ... 'list_of_tags' 
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the time average values for second order products 
        U.sig,  V.sig and W.sig.  Also save mean sigma-0 interpolated at
        velocity points, as well as mean velocity component, for further use.
        CONFIG is the config name of a given experiment (eg ORCA025-G70)
             The program will look for gridT, gridU, gridV  and gridW files for
             this config ( grid_T, grid_U, grid_V and grid_W are also accepted).
        list_of_tags : a list of time tags that will be used for time
             averaging. e.g. y2000m01d05 y2000m01d10.
             ! IMPORTANT : list_of_tag are at the end of the command line ! 
      OPTIONS ( to be used before the list_of tags ):
         -T : compute u and v at T points, so that usig, vsig will be at T point
         -no-w : no computation of vertical products
         -no-sig : no output of density on U V points
         -no-uv : no output of mean velocity components
         -pref pref1,pref2,..: give comma separated list of reference depths for
              density computation. eg : -pref 0,2000,3000  If not specified 
              assumes pref=0.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :, and
        variables : vousig, vovsig, vowsig : mean product v x sigma-0 
                                             at velocity point.
                    vosigu, vosigv, vosigw : mean sigma-0 at velocity point.
                    vozocrtx, vomecrty, vovecrtz : mean velocity components.


  usage : cdfvtrp  U-file V-file [ -full ] [ -bathy ]
      PURPOSE :
        Computes the vertically integrated transports at each grid cell.
        U-file : netcdf gridU file
        V-file : netcdf gridV file
      REQUIRED FILES : and is required only with -bathy option.
      OPTIONS :
        [-full ]  : To be used in case of full step configuration.
                    Default is partial steps.
        [-bathy ] : When used, cdfvtrp also compute the along slope
                    and cross slope transport components.
                    Bathymetry is read from file.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
        variables : 
            sozoutrp : zonal transport.
            somevtrp : meridional transport.
           If option -bathy is used :
            soastrp : along slope transport
            socstrp : cross slope transport


  usage : cdfw U-file V-file [ U-var V-var ] [ -full]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the vertical velocity from the vertical integration of
        of the horizontal divergence of the velocity.
        U-file : netcdf file with the zonal velocity component.
        V-file : netcdf file with the meridional velocity component.
      OPTIONS :
        [ U-var V-var ] : names of the zonal and meridional velocity 
                          components. Default are vozocrtx and vomecrty
        [ -full ] : in case of full step configuration. Default is partial step.
      REQUIRED FILES : and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : vovecrtz (m/s)


  usage : cdfweight  [-f] IN-file [-c COORD-file] ... 
               ...  [-t point_type] [-2d] [-v] 
      PURPOSE :
        Produce a weight file for further bilinear collocalisation 
        with cdfcoloc program. It takes the position of the points
        to be collocated into a simple ascii file. 
        [-f ] IN-file   : input file is a iyxz ASCII file, 1 line per point.
      OPTIONS :
        [-c COORD-file] : coordinate file []
        [-t point_type] : point type on C-grid (either T U V or F ) [F]
        [-2d ]          : tell cdfweight that only 2D weights are to be computed
        [-v ]           : Verbose mode for extra information (debug mode).
      REQUIRED FILES : file if not passed as argument.
         If working with 3D files, is required.
      OUTPUT : 
        binary weight file : weight_point_type.bin
        standard output : almost the same info that is saved in the binary file
                    When using -v option, even more informations !


  usage : cdfwflx T-file Runoff
      PURPOSE :
        Computes the water fluxes components. Suitable for 
        annual means files. All output variables are in mm/days.
        T-file  : model output file with water fluxes (gridT) 
        Runoff : file with the climatological runoff on the
                 model grid.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
        variables : soevap, soprecip, sorunoff, sowadmp, sowaflux


  usage : cdfwhereij  imin imax jmin jmax [-c COOR-file ] [ -p point_type]
      PURPOSE :
        Return the geographical coordinates of a model sub-area specified
        in i,j space on the command line.
        imin imax jmin jmax : (i,j) space window coordinates
      OPTIONS :
        [-c COOR_file  ] : specify a coordinates file.
                       default is
        [-p point type ] : specify a point type on the C-grid (T U V F) 
                       default is T
      REQUIRED FILES : or COOR-file given in the -c option
      OUTPUT : 
        Standard output


  usage : cdfzisot T-file RefTemp [Output File]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute depth of an isotherm given as argument
        T-file  : input netcdf file (gridT)
        RefTemp : Temperature of the isotherm.
        Output File : netCDF Optional (defaults:
          In case of FULL STEP configuration, is also required.
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :


  usage : cdfzonalmean IN-file point_type [ BASIN-file] [-debug]...
        ...[-var var1,var2,..] [-max ] [-pdep | --positive_depths]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the zonal mean of all the variables available in the
        input file. This program assume that all the variables are
        located on the same C-grid point, specified on the command line.
          Using -var option limits the variables to be processed.
        Zonal mean is in fact the mean value computed along the I coordinate.
        The result is a vertical slice, in the meridional direction.
        REMARK : partial step are not handled properly (but probably 
                 minor impact on results).
        IN-file    : input netcdf file.
        point_type : indicate the location on C-grid (T|U|V|F|W)
      OPTIONS :
        [BASIN-file] : netcdf file describing sub basins, similar to 
              If this name is not given 
                       as option, only the global zonal mean is computed.
        [-max     ] : output the zonal maximum and minimum of the variable 
        [-var var1,var2,.. ] : Comma separated list of selected variables
        [-pdep | --positive_depths ] : use positive depths in the output file.
                       Default behaviour is to have negative depths.
        [-ndep_in ] : negative depths are used in the input file.
                       Default behaviour is to have positive depths.
        [-debug   ] : add some print for debug
      REQUIRED FILES :, and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : output variable names are built with the following
                      convention: zoxxxx_bas
                       where zo replace vo/so prefix of the input variable
                       where bas is a suffix for each sub-basins (or glo)
                       if a BASIN-file is used.
                  If option -max is used, each standard output variable
                      is associated with a var_max variable.


  usage : cdfzonalmeanvT [-b BASIN-file] [-pdep |--positive_depths] ... 
                    ...  [-ndep_in]   CONFIG-CASE  'list_of_tags' 
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the mean product of zonal mean V by zonal mean of T and S.
        Zonal mean is in fact the mean value computed along the I coordinate.
        The result is a vertical slice, in the meridional direction.
        REMARK : partial step are not handled properly (but probably 
                 minor impact on results).
        CONFIG-CASE is the config name of a given experiment (eg ORCA025-G70)
             The program will look for gridT, gridU and gridV files for
             this config ( grid_T, grid_U and grid_V are also accepted).
             Additionaly, if gridS or grid_S file is found, it will be taken
             in place of gridT for the salinity variable.
        list_of_tags : a list of time tags that will be used for time
             averaging. e.g. y2000m01d05 y2000m01d10 ...
      OPTIONS :
        [-b BASIN-file] : netcdf file describing sub basins, similar to 
              If this name is not given 
                       as option, only the global zonal mean is computed.
        [-pdep | --positive_depths ] : use positive depths in the output file.
                       Default behaviour is to have negative depths.
        [-ndep_in ] : negative depths are used in the input file.
                       Default behaviour is to have positive depths.
        [-debug   ] : add some print for debug
      REQUIRED FILES :, and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file :
          variables : zovzot : mean product of zonal_mean(V) x zonal_mean(T)
                      zovzot : mean product of zonal_mean(V) x zonal_mean(S)
                        A suffix _bas is append to variable name oin order to
                      indicate the basin (atl, inp, ind, pac) or glo for global


  usage :  cdfzonalout ZONAL-file
      PURPOSE :
         This is a formatting program for zonal files, either mean or integral.
         It displays results on the standard output from the input zonal file.
         It only works with 1D zonal variables, skipping 2D variables, that
         cannot be easily displayed !
         ZONAL-file : input netcdf zonal file produced by one of the zonal
      OUTPUT : 
         - Standard output,  structured in columns:
              J  LAT  ( zonal mean, var = 1--> nvar) 


  usage : cdfzonalsum IN-file point_type [ BASIN-file] ...
                   ... [-var var1,var2,..] [-pdep | --positive_depths]
                   ... [-pdeg | --per_degree] [-debug]
      PURPOSE :
        Compute the zonal sum of all the variables available in the
        input file. This program assume that all the variables are
        located on the same C-grid point, specified on the command line.
          Using -var option limits the variables to be processed.
        Zonal sum is in fact the integral value computed along the I coordinate.
        The result is a vertical slice, in the meridional direction.
        REMARK : partial step are not handled properly (but probably 
                 minor impact on results).
        IN-file    : input netcdf file.
        point_type : indicate the location on C-grid (T|U|V|F|W)
      OPTIONS :
        [BASIN-file] : netcdf file describing sub basins, similar to 
              If this name is not given 
                       as option, only the global zonal integral is computed.
        [-var var1,var2,.. ] : Comma separated list of selected variables
        [-pdep | --positive_depths ] : use positive depths in the output file.
                       Default behaviour is to have negative depths.
        [-pdeg | --per_degree ] : When using this option, the zonal integral
                       is normalized per degree of latitude. This was formally
                       done with cdfzonalintdeg program, which is now merged
                       in this one.
                       Default behaviour is not to normalize.
        [-debug ] : add some print for debug
      REQUIRED FILES :, and
      OUTPUT : 
        netcdf file : or (-pdeg option)
          variables : output variable names are built with the following
                      convention: zoixxxx_bas
                       where zoi replace vo/so prefix of the input variable
                       where bas is a suffix for each sub-basins (or glo)
                       if a BASIN-file is used.
             Units are modified by adding '.m2' at the end. Can be improved !
             In addition, '.degree-1' is append to unit with -pdeg option.


  usage : cdfzoom -f file -zoom imin imax jmin jmax  ...
                ... -var cdfvar [-lev kmin kmax ] ...
                ... [ -time tmin tmax ] [ -fact factor] 
      PURPOSE :
       Display the numerical values of a zoomed area. By
       default, all times and levels are shown. If the zoomed
       area is degenerated to a single line, then the vertical
       slab is displayed.
        -f file : name of input file
        -zoom imin imax jmin jmax : spatial window definition
        -var cdfvar : cdf variable name to work with.
      OPTIONS :
        [-lev kmin kmax ]  : vertical limits for display.
        [-time tmin tmax ] : time limits for display.
        [-fact factor ]    : use a scaling factor for display.
                             Values are DIVIDED by factor
      OUTPUT : 
        display on standard output


Project headed by Jean-Marc Molines, (IGE, Grenoble - France)

Contributors (alphabetic order ) : C.Q. Akuetevi, M. Balmaseda, E. Behrens, F. Castruccio, M. Chekki, P. Colombo, J. Deshayes, N. Djath, N. Ducousso, C. Dufour, R. Dussin, N. Ferry, F. Hernandez, M. Juza, A. Lecointre, S. Leroux, G. Mainsant, P. Mathiot, A. Melet, X. Meunier, G. Moreau, N. Merino, W. Rath, J. Regidor, M. Scheinert, A.M. Treguier


Copyright (C) 1998-2016 IGE-MEOM ( )

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