Project funded by ANR/PRACE (2014-2018). Principal Investigator: Thierry Penduff
Most of the analyses of the OCCIPUT ensemble simulations have been performed in the framework of the PIRATE project
Characterizing the stochastic nature of the ocean variability on interannual-to-decadal timescales in a large ensemble of 1/4º ocean/sea-ice hindcasts.
Turbulent ocean models spontaneously generate a chaotic variability up to multidecadal/basin scales. How this low-frequency chaos impacts climate-relevant oceanic indices is an important unsettled question. To separate this chaos from the atmospherically-forced response, MEOM and CERFACS have performed a pioneering 50-member ensemble of 1/4° global ocean/sea-ice simulations (1960-2015), starting from perturbed initial conditions then driven by the same atmospheric forcing with time. The results reveal the importance of the oceanic chaos up to large spatio-temporal scales and its modulation by the atmosphere, and this raises new issues about the detection/attribution of climate change in the ocean and the potential impact of this low-frequency chaos on the atmosphere.
Figure : The OCCIPUT ensemble experiment:
OCCIPUT seminar given at Ecole de Physique des Houches, August 2017 [video]
OCCIPUT presentation given at the GMMC workshop, June 2016 [pdf] (10 Mo).
OCCIPUT ANR summary [here]
(2024) Sadhvi, K., I. Suresh, M. Lengaigne, T. Izumo, T. Penduff, J.-M. Molines, A.A. Can, and J. Vialard, Journal of Geophysical Research, Intrinsic versus wind-forced Great Whirl non-seasonal variability
(2023) Zhao, M., R. M. Ponte, and T. Penduff, Science Advances, Global-scale random bottom pressure fluctuations from oceanic intrinsic variability
(2022) Hogg, A.McC., T. Penduff, S.E. Close, W.K. Dewar, N.C. Constantinou, and J.M. Martinez-Moreno, Journal of Geophysical Research, Circumpolar variations in the chaotic nature of Southern Ocean eddy dynamics
(2022) Llovel, W., N. Kolodziejczyk, S. Close, T. Penduff, J.-M. Molines, and L. Terray, Environmental Research Letters, Intrinsic ocean variability in decadal regional sea level and ocean heat content trends using synthetic profiles.
(2021) Zhao, M., R. Ponte, T. Penduff, S. Close, W. Llovel, and J.M. Molines, Imprints of ocean chaotic intrinsic variability on bottom pressure and implications for data and model analyses. Geophysical Research Letters.
(2021) Fedele, G., T. Penduff, S. Pierini, M.C. Alvarez-Castro, A. Bellucci, and S. Masina, Climate Dynamics, Interannual-to-decadal variability of the Kuroshio extension: Analyzing an ensemble of global hindcasts from a Dynamical System viewpoint
(2021) Carret, A., W. Llovel, T. Penduff, and J.-M. Molines, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans,, Atmospherically-forced and chaotic interannual variability of regional sea level and its components over 1993-2015
(2021) Cravatte, S., G. Sérazin, T. Penduff, and C. Menkes, Ocean Sci., 17, 487–507,, Imprint of chaotic ocean variability on transports in the Southwest Pacific at interannual timescales
(2020) Zhen, Y., P. Tandeo, S. Leroux, S. Metref, J. Le Sommer, and T. Penduff, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 1–46, doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-20-0001.1, An adaptive optimal interpolation based on analog forecasting: application to SSH in the Gulf of Mexico.
(2020) Close, S., T. Penduff, S. Speich, and J.-M. Molines, Progress in Oceanography, 184, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102314, A means of estimating the intrinsic and atmospherically-forced contributions to sea surface height variability applied to altimetric observations .
(2019) Penduff, T., W. Llovel, S. Close, I. Garcia-Gomez, and S. Leroux, Surveys in Geophysics, doi: 10.1007/s10712-019-09571-7, Trends of Coastal Sea Level Between 1993 and 2015: Imprints of Atmospheric Forcing and Oceanic Chaos.. See the Link
(2018) Llovel, W., T. Penduff, B. Meyssignac, J.-M. Molines, L. Terray, L. Bessières, and B. Barnier, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, doi: 10.1029/2018GL080838, Contributions of atmospheric forcing and chaotic ocean variability to regional sea level trends over 1993–2015.
(2018) Zanna, L., J.M. Brankart, M. Huber, S. Leroux, T. Penduff, and P.D. Williams, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 2018;1–16; doi:10.1002/qj.3397, Uncertainty and Scale Interactions in Ocean Ensembles: From Seasonal Forecasts to Multi-Decadal Climate Predictions.
(2018) Penduff, T., G. Sérazin, S. Leroux, S. Close, J.-M. Molines, B. Barnier, L. Bessières, L. Terray, and G. Maze. Oceanography, 31(2). doi:10.5670/oceanog.2018.210. Chaotic variability of ocean heat content: Climate-relevant features and observational implications..
(2018) Leroux S., Penduff T., Bessières L., Brankart J.-M., Molines J.-M., Terray L., Barnier B., Serazin G., J. of Climate, 31(3) doi:JCLI-D-17-0168.1, Intrinsic and atmospherically-forced variability of the AMOC : insights from a large ensemble ocean hindcast.
(2017) Sérazin G., Jaymond A., Leroux, Penduff T., Bessières L., Brankart J.-M., Molines J.-M. , Terray L., Barnier B., Serazin G., Geophys. Res. Lett., 44(11):5580–5589, doi:10.1002/2017GL073026, ( A probabilistic study of low-frequency ocean heat content variability: atmospheric influence versus oceanic chaos.
(2017) Bessières L., Leroux S., Brankart J.-M., Molines J.-M., Bouttier P.-A., Penduff T., Terray L., Barnier B., Serazin G., Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., doi:10.5194/gmd-10-1091-2017, Development of a probabilistic ocean modelling system based on NEMO 3.5: application at eddying resolution.
(2014) T. Penduff, B. Barnier, L. Terray, G. Sérazin, S. Gregorio, J-M Brankart, M-P Moine, J-M Molines, P. Brasseur. CLIVAR Exchanges No. 65, Vol. 19, No. 2. Ensembles of eddying ocean simulations for climate.
(2015) Sérazin, B. Meyssiniac, and T. Penduff. Quantifying uncertainties on regional sea-level change induced by multi-decadal oceanic intrinsic variability. Geoph. Res. Lett., 43(15), doi: 10.1002/2016GL069273.
(2015) Grégorio, T. Penduff, G. Sérazin, J. M. Molines, B. Barnier, and J. Hirshi. Intrinsic variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at interannual-to- multidecadal timescales. Journal of Physical Oceanographym 45:1929-1948.
(2015) G. Sérazin, T. Penduff, S. Grégorio, B. Barnier, J. M. Molines, and L. Terray. Intrinsic variability of sea-level from global 1/12º ocean simulations: spatio-temporal scales. Journal of Climate, 28:4279–4292.
Thierry Penduff (P.I.).
The outputs of the OCCIPUT ensemble simulation are available upon request. Please contact Thierry Penduff (P.I.).