
20th DRAKKAR 2022 Annual Workshop (31 January-2 February 2022) - Posted 27 Jan 2022
3 keynote talks and 29 splinter talks are scheduled this year, and will introduce 3 topical discussion sessions.
The workshop will cover scientific and technical questions about numerical ocean modelling, based in particular on the NEMO platform, and discuss key model improvements and new developments that emerge from the scientific community and are needed for the future.
Detailled information is available on the workshop website.
- Contact: Thierry Penduff
We are looking forward to (virtually) see you there !

New IGE project, the Scale Aware Sea Ice Project (SASIP) - Posted 01 Jun 2021
A new project coordinated by IGE and led by Pierre Rampal (MEOM) has begun in 2021 : the Scale Aware Sea Ice Project (SASIP) It involves 10 international partners from France, Norway, US, Italy, UK and Germany.
It aims at better understanding the impact of amplified warming in polar regions, through the development of a new sea ice modelling paradigm.

SASIP kick off meeting - Posted 11 May 2021
We are happy to announce you the beginning of the Scale-Aware Sea Ice Project (SASIP), which is coordinated by IGE and started on April 1st.
SASIP kick off meeting will be held remotely on May 11th and 12th, 2021 on two consecutive half-days (9:30am – 12pm CEST)
Work Package leaders and participants will give an overview of the project objectives and discuss activities planned over the next years.

DRAKKAR 2020 Annual Workshop (3-5 February 2020) - Posted 18 Nov 2019
The next DRAKKAR workshop will be held in Grenoble on 3-5 February 2020.
The overall objective of the workshop is to review the scientific and technical progresses achieved with the DRAKKAR hierarchy of model configurations based on the NEMO platform, and discuss key model improvements and new developments that are needed for the future.
More detailled information (venue, registrations, social events) is available on the workshop website.
Contact: Bernard Barnier
Dates: 3-5 February 2020
Venue: IMAG Amphitheater, 700 Avenue Centrale, Grenoble-Alpes University Campus.
We are looking forward to see you there !

DRAKKAR 2019 Annual Workshop (21-23 January 2019) - Posted 22 Oct 2018
The next DRAKKAR workshop will be held in Grenoble on 21-23 January 2019.
The overall objective of the workshop is to review the scientific and technical progresses achieved with the DRAKKAR hierarchy of model configurations based on the NEMO platform, and discuss key model improvements and new developments that are needed for the future.
More detailled information (venue, registrations, social events) is available on the workshop website.
Contact: Bernard Barnier
Dates: 21-23 January 2019
Venue: IMAG Amphitheater, 700 Avenue Centrale, Grenoble-Alpes University Campus.
We are looking forward to see you there !
SWOT 3rd Science Team Meeting 2018 (26-29 June 2018) - Posted 18 Jun 2018
The third SWOT Science Team Meeting will be held in Montreal on June 26-29, 2018.
The overall objective of the meeting is to discuss science and data processing issues in preparation for SWOT altimetry mission to be launched in 2021.
The MEOM group has followed the preparation of SWOT altimetry mission since the early 2010’. As we are now getting closer to the mission launch, we are very excited to attend our next meeting in Montreal where several group members will present their work.
- Laura Gomez Navarro will present a synthesis of the groups activities in terms of denoising and reconstruction methods for SWOT ocean data;
- Adekunle Ajayi will present results on the variability of eddy scales in the North Atlantic on the basis of NATL60 model data;
- Redouane Lguensat will show how Convolutional Neural Networks may be used for the inversion of SWOT ocean data.
Our delegation will also comprise Emmanuel Cosme and Julien Le Sommer, the two co-Is of our SWOT CNES funded project and Jacques Verron (Ocean-Next).
We are looking forward to see you there.
PS : Results and research movies on the inversion of SWOT ocean data will be regularly posted on our Youtube channel.

DRAKKAR 2018 Annual Workshop (22-24 January 2018) - Posted 20 Nov 2017
The next DRAKKAR workshop will be held in Grenoble on 22-24 January 2018.
The overall objective of the workshop is to review the scientific and technical progresses achieved with the DRAKKAR hierarchy of model configurations based on the NEMO platform, and discuss key model improvements and new developments that are needed for the future.
More detailled information (venue, registrations, social events) is available on the workshop website.
Contact: Bernard Barnier
Dates: 22-24 January 2018
Venue: IMAG Amphitheater, 700 Avenue Centrale, Grenoble-Alpes University Campus.
We are looking forward to see you there !
Postdoctoral position opens in January 2018 - Posted 05 Oct 2017
A 3-year postodoctoral position is open in the MEOM group of the Institute for Environmental Geosciences (IGE), Grenoble, France.
The conducted research will be part of the BOOST-SWOT project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR). The goal of BOOST-SWOT is to improve the use of satellite altimetry data for the production of sea level products. The successful candidate will be involved in numerical simulations of the ocean circulation, model design and optimization with machine learning techniques, and data assimilation. Scientific results shall be published in peer-reviewed journals. The postdoctoral project includes strong collaborations with other groups in Toulouse and Brest (France).
The applicants should hold a PhD in oceanography or geophysical fluid dynamics, with experience in scientific computing. A background in data assimilation or machine learning is desirable but not required.
The position is for three years, possibly starting in January 2018. The proposed salary will be based on skills and experience, within national standards. Candidates interested in this research project should send their application including academic CV, a statement of interest, and two references to Emmanuel Cosme.
Applications will be considered until the position is filled.
2017 Probabilistic Oceanography Workshop (by invitation) - Posted 01 Feb 2017
This international Workshop will take place in Grenoble on 20-21 April 2017.
We will discuss the origin and structure of the ocean’s Chaotic Intrinsic Variability that emerges in the turbulent regime, and impacts most oceanic fields over a wide range of space and time scales.
We will also address the atmospheric modulation and possible climate impacts of this oceanic “chaos”, the modelling strategies and new diagnostic approaches required to address these questions.
More details are provided on the workshop website.
Contact: Thierry Penduff
Dates: 20-21 April 2017
Venue: IGE, salle Lliboutry, 54 rue Molière, Grenoble-Alpes University Campus.

DRAKKAR 2017 Annual Workshop - Posted 01 Dec 2016
The next DRAKKAR workshop will be held in Grenoble on 16-18 January 2017.
The overall objective of the workshop is to review the scientific and technical progresses achieved with the DRAKKAR hierarchy of model configurations based on the NEMO platform, and discuss key model improvements and new developments that are needed for the future.
More detailled information (venue, registrations, social events) is available on the workshop website.
Caution : the venue has changed with respect to previous years.
Contact: Bernard Barnier
Dates: 16-18 January 2017
Venue: IMAG Amphitheater, 700 Avenue Centrale, Grenoble-Alpes University Campus.
We are looking forward to see you there !